Practicing Gratitude 5.09.20

Practicing Gratitude 5.09.20

- Baylor girls REUNION - our 25th! - Cammi and Kristin jumping in to do all the food menu with me hosting, just thrilled  - Certainly the virus is still making its rounds, but I\'m no longer keeping \"Corona\" in the title of these posts, as most businesses have...

Practicing Gratitude 5.3.20 (Corona Week 7)

Practicing Gratitude 5.3.20 (Corona Week 7)

Getting to hit the lake TWICE this past week - Lake with Cappy and Daboo, they\'d already been out there for a couple of days working. Felt so good to help them with some painting and just change locations for a day - Watching church on Sunday mornings together, while...

Practicing Gratitude 4.25.20 (Corona Week 6)

Practicing Gratitude 4.25.20 (Corona Week 6)

- Spring of Hud\'s senior year allows for some reminiscing, these picutres are worth not a thousand but about a billion words - Essie excusing herself from the dinner table, upset but we weren\'t sure why, and finding Hud in her room when I went to check on her. I...

Practicing Gratitude 4.19.20 (Corona Week 5)

Practicing Gratitude 4.19.20 (Corona Week 5)

- A full day of baking and cooking before Easter key lime pie C\'s creamed spinach cowboy rolls - Porch party with Jeff and Krista - Sweet delivery from the Kelley family - From the front yard - someone else\'s work I am getting to enjoy - Easter just our family -...

Practicing Gratitude 4.11.20 (Corona Week 4)

Practicing Gratitude 4.11.20 (Corona Week 4)

- Just finished week 4 of Coronoa Quarantine... about three more weeks projected of stay-home orders. I seriously can't believe it's been a month already, I hate that so many people are struggling and  I'm (mostly) taking in every single day, grateful for the rest in...

Practicing Gratitude 4.3.20 (Corona Week 3)

Practicing Gratitude 4.3.20 (Corona Week 3)

- Perhaps my fav thing on FB this week, thank you SCS - My other fav FB post, thank you SCS - My other fav FB post - this one popped up from years ago- Easter time - Sunshine and this crew - There may be an extra kid hanging out here, but we have dubbed her a Wilson...

Practicing Gratitude 3.27.20 (Corona Week 2)

Practicing Gratitude 3.27.20 (Corona Week 2)

- These seniors are still seniors, Corona and all - Corona quarantine hasn\'t slowed Corbin\'s weekend breakfasts he actually enjoys this, finds joy in making big breakfasts - Continued quarantine, a couple of weeks in now. Grateful for a quiet calendar, time in the...

Practicing Gratitude 3.21.20 (Corona Week 1)

Practicing Gratitude 3.21.20 (Corona Week 1)

 - These two, health and smiles and incredible hearts. And that right now I\'m getting more time with them  - Corona quarantine. Amidst the nasty virus, so many are finding comfort with the enforced slower pace and family time in unexpected ways - Essie home...

Practicing Gratitude 3.14.20

Practicing Gratitude 3.14.20

Spring Break 2020 - Lunch with these two - Right before this #12 catching - Having a little fun Senior year (bottom left) - Wrapping up the PHS cheer year surprised by the Panther award - Essie\'s first softball game - with friends and family Yet another #12 in the...

Practicing Gratitude 2.28.20

Practicing Gratitude 2.28.20

- Salt Lake and Park City, UT with two of my favorite boys (missing the tall blonde one for sure). This college decision is going to be a difficult one for Hud - At DFW, security took my suitcase and asked if I had anything \"sharp of dangerous.\" Once open, she said...

Practicing Gratitude 2.22.20

Practicing Gratitude 2.22.20

- Watching Harriett Tubman movie as a family, important film - Time in park across the street with Corbin and kids, gorgeous Saturday for frisbee golf, Hud helping Essie with softball hitting and throwing (and a bloody nose?!) - Tanner and Lauren here with Lyla, loved...

Practicing Gratitude 2.14.20

Practicing Gratitude 2.14.20

- Happy 20th Branson Wilson - a joy to celebrate you - Megann\'s Texas visit - never know who you\'ll meet at Lulu - in Victoria! - THIS amazing crew. Not enough words - Lake weekend - not at the lake! Leslie\'s hospitality to make it all happen - Friends since...

Practicing Gratitude 1.31.20

Practicing Gratitude 1.31.20

- Auburn visit. He hasn't made a final decision yet, but I really think Hud will be sporting blue and orange. He's loving the kids he's meeting and is excited to be a part of the Auburn culture. The only college essay that made me cry was his to Auburn - Angie's...

Practicing Gratitude 1.24.20

Practicing Gratitude 1.24.20

- Joy's cheer comp - made it to finals, and then placed 15th in Texas, competing with all 6A schools (15th of 60) Mom came with me to all the events, and Dad joined us Sat, so glad for that time - Graham, his faithfulness, his family, his impact on our family and...

Practicing Gratitude 1.17.20

Practicing Gratitude 1.17.20

- Truth. I feel like Cappy and Daboo drilled this in us growing up, both in words and action - Unrushed lunch with Lori, overdue but just the right timing. Watching her love her family well is inspiring - FULL work week, getting to work with people I enjoy so much -...

Practicing Gratitude 1.10.20

Practicing Gratitude 1.10.20

- Corbin Wilson making breakfast for the telerads he gets to work with. What makes this picture extra-amazing. 1 - It's taken at 6am. 2 - Corbin made the homemade green-chili egg casseroles and cheese cream danishes late last night after work, Essie's soccer game, and...

Practicing Gratitude 1.3.20

Practicing Gratitude 1.3.20

- Truth. For me, the mountains or the sea. But the mountains this week - majestic and bold and peace-giving - Starting Bible Recap (thanks Jess!), happy for this resource and plan - How God describes himself:    And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord,...

Practicing Gratitude 12.31.19

Practicing Gratitude 12.31.19

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Practicing Gratitude 6.10.19

Practicing Gratitude 6.10.19

- Praise God Summer is HERE- Texas cool front this morn - low 80s - so refreshing- Kids all tucked away in amazing places - Bran in Victoria, Hud at Sky Ranch CO, and Basden at Frontier - so very grateful for these incredible opportunities for them- Looking ahead to a...

Practicing Gratitude 10.6.17

Practicing Gratitude 10.6.17

- SCS HOCOGameday started with the Varsity players surprising the elementary kids ~ adorable!team mealthese twoRebekah and BranSeniorsPart of our Frontier crew ~ love these girlsSeniors and datesChloe and Hudsophomore crew- Friday nights - lotsa football- Essie loving...

Practicing Gratitude 9.22.17

Practicing Gratitude 9.22.17

- Essie's first 6th grade cotillion pretty cute 6th grade boys - This PUNKIN in Bozeman, our newest little cousin Audrey Crystal - More football - loving our Friday nights even with Hudda injured, still a thrill to see my boys together cheering on those Eagles the...

Practicing Gratitude 9.6.17

Practicing Gratitude 9.6.17

- More of football season!SCS pep rallies are so fun - they really are pep ralliesNot sure why he\'s #18 and not 3, but Bran voted by his team as a captain- Jennifer\'s pre-game cookiesBran with the ballHudda (#20) on D - Beating TVSTHAT was fun- Graham - sweet and...

Practicing Gratitude 8.30.17

Practicing Gratitude 8.30.17

- Friday night Lights - with BOTH Wilson boys on this team!1st scrimmageHud still in his purple    now THAT\'s a fun pic- Cheering on these cheerleaders (who I got to spend a week with at Frontier)- Senior football boys and coaches- Sporting their new 6th gr shirts -...

Practicing Gratitude 6.28.17

Practicing Gratitude 6.28.17

- CCBC Kids Kamp - I\'m always amazed with the way our church body - young and old and in-between - comes together to make this week happen!Coming downstairs to find this the first morning, Essie made sure we all knew what our day (week) heldDay 1 ~ here we go!Bran...

Practicing Gratitude 3.24.17

Practicing Gratitude 3.24.17

- Several days with Brogdons here ~ extended our Spring Break half a week!   - Basden’s school choir ~ Superior sweep yesterday. Mrs. Adair is absolutely amazing and a GIFT. Brought all the kids kolaches yesterday morning (has brought them donuts in the past), took...

Practicing Gratitude 3.17.17

- Spending spring break at home, restful. Watching a couple of tv shows with Corbin last night;  kids all getting to sleep in, all six of us right here this morn; Tulsa cousins over last night for dinner and hot tub- Quick but encouraging convo with Jenna Lee in her...

Thanksgiving Week ~ Practicing Gratitude 11.28.16

- A week in Fort Worth with my brothers and families- Spending the Thanksgiving week at home - provided some much-needed margin - a break from travel and just some down time- Safety last night with all of the cousins here, swimming and playing- Basden POURING into her...

Practicing Gratitude 10.21.16

Practicing Gratitude 10.21.16

- Hudson\'s PHS Homecoming 2016 ~ Freshman yearHudson and SadieOh my word, what an awesome group of kidsHud\'s quick change after Saturday\'s baseball tourn ~ with a last-min request to help tie bow-tiesReady or not, here we go!Pics at Colonial ~ he\'s still tying...

Practicing Gratitude 10.14.16

Practicing Gratitude 10.14.16

- Chase and Hannah\'s wedding ~ a true worship event ~ such amazing people all under one roof. A privilege to be a part of these relationshipsLoved everything about this wedding. Basden told me to take notesall together! So great to have Zack back for an eveningZack,...

Practicing Gratitude 10.7.16

Practicing Gratitude 10.7.16

- Essie to her daddy late at night, “Mom said this was not going to be pretty, but I think it is beautiful.” (Corbin went upstairs to finally make her get in bed and ended up snuggling with her instead) - Sweet, unexpected phone conversation with SC- Tanner told me...

Practicing Gratitude 9.28.16

Practicing Gratitude 9.28.16

- My darling husband. Seriously, he is gorgeous. And a sweet, sweet daddy. Thanks, Bets, for the pic!- My allergies - out of control! (thankful in ALL things...) - Margin in my week - not full of appts and meetings, so thankful  - Essie\'s last Tanglewood open house....

Practicing Gratitude 9.19.16

Practicing Gratitude 9.19.16

- Essie snapping a quick pic ~ even with a highway setting the Texas sunset is gorgeous - Prov 14:10 - Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy ~ why it’s so critical to be in the Word, to have God’s rich encouragement indwelling inside...

Practicing Gratitude 9.14.16

Practicing Gratitude 9.14.16

- A day AWAY at the lake over Labor Day weekend Obligatory Taco Casa stop on way to the lake Trailer trouble. Lots of creative geniuses to figure it out Dad and Mom get a turn Daddys and Daughters Harper doesn't look too sure about her driver... Evening at 7R ~ so...

Practicing Gratitude – The Perfect Game week 7.25.16

Practicing Gratitude – The Perfect Game week 7.25.16

- On the road again... Georgia or bust  - This made me a little nervous. Games all over the metroplex (I don\'t think they call it that), including one in PeachTree City that didn\'t even fit on the map. But - we did it!!  Mom\'s trusty pen and paper map - very...

Practicing Gratitude ~ 5.9.16

Practicing Gratitude ~ 5.9.16

- Basden’s accommodating spirit ~ “Whatever is easiest, Mom,” (what she wants for b-fast) and “not if it’s going to be a burden” (asking me to take her to school early)- Essie finishing her homework independently - Finishing up gymnastics for the year ~ Basden learned...

Practicing Gratitude 5.5.16

Practicing Gratitude 5.5.16

Well, by golly, this title is correct.  Practicing gratitude. When life weighs in heavy, when I\'m taking deep breaths in the normal of my daily routine... Mrs. Voskamp accurately described it in that book of hers... practicing gratitude.It takes practice.But that...

Practicing Gratitude 1.5.16

Practicing Gratitude 1.5.16

-Time in Amarillo with the Keisters on our way home from Angel Fire ~ always a joy to be with them! Business / Medical / Nonprofit consulting ~ both waysMexican Train!Happy New Year!Ringing in the New Year ~ NYC timeVicky and I just love this picEmma and BasdenEssie...

Practicing Gratitude 12.20.15

Practicing Gratitude 12.20.15

- Esther\'s 4th grade field day ~ in December! Beautiful weather, one of the kids\' favorites.- Getting to spend our year with Connor and Chase in the pool house. A total WIN for our family. They are incredible. - Basden\'s 1st gymnastics competition in Plano - pretty...

Practicing Gratitude 12.13.15

Practicing Gratitude 12.13.15

- A quiet day at home.  - Tanglewood trees in the fall. Breathtaking. - Taking an hour or so for a walk on a gorgeous day. Sad to think of her outgrowing this- Hud’s basketball team\'s narrow WIN against YMLA - such a fun game to watch!- Watching all the 6th grade...

Practicing Gratitude 9. 5. 15

Practicing Gratitude 9. 5. 15

- Family dinner. With our new family.Our home is way more fun with Connor and Chase. Our first meal together ~ and actually the first day we met them!  - Back to school parties. - Hudson and Basden doing their own school supply shopping at Staples. They took their...

Practicing Gratitude 6.22.15

- A good, safe weekend in Roundrock / Georgetown this weekend with Hud’s tournament, traveling home in the storm with girls and Daboo- Elizabeth Elliot’s life ~ arrival in Heaven yesterday ~ her profound affect on me and so many - A rainy morning ~ sitting on back...

Practicing Gratitude 6.15.15

- A few days away with Corbin. On the heels of school ending, just good to get away - That I’m not comfortable in Vegas- Starbucks at the bottom of our hotel elevator- Mom’s help with the kids  - tremendous- Rooneys having girls for a sleepover the last day of school,...

Practicing Gratitude 6.8.15

Practicing Gratitude 6.8.15

- Mom and Dad’s 45th anniversary. Getting to celebrate on the same BEACH where Trey and Amy got married;  Dad baptizing both Ashlyn and Joy Taylor; getting to spend the week with both Trey and Chris’ families. Of course I wish we and Luke’s family were there, but...

Practicing Gratitude 5.15.15

Practicing Gratitude 5.15.15

These gratitude posts ~ better late than never!- Reed moving in last Friday night, getting to meet his friend Lucas from South Korea in the process.- Watching Big Hero 6 with the kids on a rainy Sunday night.- Worth this tub of uniforms sitting in our garage for...

Practicing Gratitude 5.1.15

Practicing Gratitude 5.1.15

(These gratitude posts - better late than never!) - Celebrating Hud’s spiritual birthday ~ hearing how his brother and sisters see the Holy Spirit in him. A theme of kindness. - Es and her fantastic 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Clynch LeBron and Ms. Clynch after a gym...

Practicing Gratitude 4.26.15

Practicing Gratitude 4.26.15

- \"Young Life leaders believe that every kid, in every home, deserves to have someone who\'s crazy about them.\" - John Trent, speaking at our Fort Worth Young Life luncheon this week.  - 3rd grade Mom/child Tanglewood kickball party - While Hud made his lunch, he...

Practicing Gratitude 4.11.15

Practicing Gratitude 4.11.15

 - Hud\'s turn ~ WYLDLIFE paint wars These two AMAZING men. Kevin Libick - our church middle school youth leader, and Brad Deal - middle school teacher AND Wyldlife leader. So grateful for their investments in our kids - our own and in our community. (Incidentally,...

Practicing Gratitude 3.23.15

Practicing Gratitude 3.23.15

- The first \"Gathering\" here last weekend. An hour or so of worship for high school students, organized by these talented kiddos. Really special.   Essie got to sing a couple of \"Ellie Holcomb\" solos Basden, Kelcy, Essie and Hannah- Lisa\'s gentle reminder, just a...

Practicing Gratitude 3.20.15

Practicing Gratitude 3.20.15

- A few days over spring break just at home, with no real agenda, lazy mornings and slow evenings with very few responsibilities. - Getting to read in the mornings with Essie right next to me, a book on her lap as well.These are just things that simply don\'t happen...

Practicing Gratitude 3.9.15

Practicing Gratitude 3.9.15

 - MORE snow... this is kind of getting a little crazy here in Fort Worth!  - Snuggling with DaddyOne reason we love snow mornings Mini snowman- Corbin\'s first week of work ~ very full, a little overwhelming, but he\'s thrilled to be there. - Reconnecting with so...