When you think of a stay-at-home mom who loves gardening, oil painting, writing, and photography, and who happens to be gifted and accomplished in each area, do you wonder how she does it with three young boys?
Now add to that list Olympic trials, international fashion modeling, a degree in Mechanical Engineering (from Perdue) and experience with a Fortune 500 Company. Yikes. The resume’ might be intimidating, but the girl is not. Meet Jennifer King, one of the kindest and most interesting friends I met at Mt. Hermon last Spring. We sat next to each other during a meal, and I was excited to learn that this young mom juggled life with 3 kids who are similar ages to mine. Little did I know at that point the depth of her talent…
Click on Jennifer’s site, and don’t miss the unbelievable photos of flowers and landscapes – and then look again knowing they’re all from her backyard!
The most impressive things about this girl is that she’s as down to earth as they come… it’s exciting that Jennifer’s thoughts and perspective are now available to women everywhere through this One Year Devotional.

Check out Jennifer’s new book, The One Year Mini for Busy Women.
Just released last month, the book is a 365 day inspirational, published by Tyndale House Publishers. Congrats, Jennifer, proud to call you friend!

** Look for my Wednesday Wonder posts week – please forgive the cheesy name – as I highlight friends and people making decisions in light of God’s leading… enjoy! **