You just never know what to expect with her.
She loves my kids, and she loves surprises. And she continues to surprise me.
Last night after dinner, Aunt Julie kidnapped Hudson and headed to the store, “to get dessert.”
They returned home twenty minutes later with tubs of ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce and maraschino cherries.
Julie and Hudson proceeded to take all the kids outside, in swimsuits, with goggles and masks.
“Who wants an ice cream sundae?” she asked.
All the kids hopped up and down, oohing and aahing over the cookies and cream and homemade vanilla.

Instead of bowls, she urged Hudson to use his “God-given bowl” – his hands.
Need some chocolate sauce with that?
All lined up, ready to become sundaes
More whipped cream, Aunt Julie! Good thing we bought two cans
Ummm… brrrrrr…..
Who hoo!
Aunt Julie, you’re SO cool!!