– A week in Fort Worth with my brothers and families
– Spending the Thanksgiving week at home – provided some much-needed margin – a break from travel and just some down time
– Safety last night with all of the cousins here, swimming and playing
– Basden POURING into her cousins
– Kevin Libick calling the boys out of the blue, setting up lunch this week
– Thanksgiving morning – waking up at home with all four kids here
– Making almond brittle with Corbin to take to friends
– That Corbin enjoys spending time in the kitchen during his time off
– Two new baby cousins on the way
– Mom’s ability to hardly get ruffled – it really is quite amazing – she is so well-equipped to handle craziness
– Getting to watch two movies at home the last two nights
– Salvation Army Thanksgiving lunch, Chad and Cheryl and their dedication and love poured out; getting to experience that time
– Prov 22:3 – A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it Hud – yesterday – not driving even though he has his permit, not overdoing the flammable fire / hand sanitizer experiment with little cousins – I appreciate his prudence
– Getting to join friends at Sanders for dessert and Cowboys game
– Avalon’s no-bake choc / pb cookies
– Encouragement of Mark Gregston’s email ~ that YOUR presence is the biggest solution to the struggle
– Snuggling with Essie on the sofa while watching Dr. Quinn with she and Basden
– This is Us – our whole family loves it
– Getting to eat foods not Whole30
– Bran and Hud interacting so well with little cousins and younger friends all week, playing football with younger boys last night
– Black Fri midnight shopping with Nik and her girls
– Uninterrupted conversation with Sarah and Sharon as they came over for BU game
– Lord, that YOU sustain me even when my emotions sink
– Mom’s friendship with and commitment to Paulette over the past few years, and the difference in Paulette’s life, her baptism
– Two of Bran\’s friends going to Baylor next year… makes me so happy to see Fort Worth kids get past the rivalry and appreciate Baylor
– Decorating for Christmas, and that we finished, and all the lights worked!
– That I can\’t get those precious orphans in the Ukraine off of my mind (!)
– Tracy Smith and her sister legally adopting SIX kids (siblings) – so incredible
– Advent is here. Immanuel ~ God with us
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-12