My sisters-in-law get a prize. A really big one. They each endured plane trips and road trips to Texas with all their little kiddos for a fun-filled week at the lake. Because our family has exponentially grown in the last five or six years, we’ve never all been together quite like this. But we survived enjoyed a few days with lots of precious ones at Driftwood, and after much trampoline jumping, fishing, playing on the dock, canoe rides, bonfires, tire swinging, board games, and too many hands working in the kitchen to count, we\’re pretty sure all the cousins know each others’ names.

6 SUVs packed like this for the lake…
Cappy explaining to Ashlyn where the sun always sets
Marshall’s unquenchable curiosity focused on a moss discovery
Loved watching all the different family groups interact. Daboo and Luke here with Joy Taylor
Ashlyn and Bran
Something’s got their attention
Daboo and Cappy with 9 of their 14
Where are your comfy clothes, Uncle Trey?!
Corbin gets a little Brantley time
Broderick – goodness he’s a sweetie
Marshall, Basden and Broderick – Kings of the Hill
Bunk beds double as a swing set
Marshall teaching Bran a few new tricks
Hud and Brantley
Anyone know how to fix a dishwasher? Great minds at work.
Never a dull moment
Scarlett, Hud and Marshall
Oragami lessons
Oh my gosh, Aunt Amy. Seriously?? All the way from Georgia with CRAFTS?!
Hilarious. Scarlett, Bogan, Essie
Success! Hud with his catfish
Bran, Marshall and Corbin coming in from the river
Bran credited Marshall as a good luck charm for catching his bass
Sweet Naomi with her papa, Chris
Bran’s bass went wild in the canoe – love Esther’s exuberant laugh
Fishing… fishing… and more fishing
Corbin and Bogan
She couldn’t get enough of her little cousins – nurturing spirit on steroids this week
These two make me smile – admire Julie’s flexible, laid-back heart. Brings much joy.
Ashlyn is quite the little beauty
The three Montana girls ~ Payton, Naomi (21 month twins), and big sis Joy Taylor (3)
Daboo and Joy Taylor
Canoe rides down the river and back. A rare moment of Esther without Bogan.
Luke and Julie with 2/3 of their boys
Brenna! She catches your eye and offers generous smiles
Uncle Chris, Joy Taylor and Bran headed on an adventure
Bogan and his well-thought-out creation
Precious Brantley. E-A-S-Y-going little guy.
Is she the sweetest thing?! Joy Taylor savoring her cupcake
Caught Broderick in a spirited moment
Decked out “Driftwood Cousins” – minus little Brenna already in bed!
Yes – I was there too. I took more than 250 pics, and Crystal thought to get me in one.

Until next time ~ Thank you, Daboo, for all your mega-planning and preparing, and again, to Amy, Julie and Crystal for getting your precious families all the way here from Alpharetta, Tulsa and Bozeman. We loved every wild minute, and love your families dearly. Making memories ~ not always easy, but always a gift. And maybe, just maybe, next time the cousins will all remember each others’ names!