Ruby girl, we are just so surprised that you’re gone. You didn’t give us any warning, and that high-voltage personality of yours has left a huge vacuum in our home and in our hearts. We’ve been nursing Cross through some old-age symptoms lately but you hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down, and in fact we just watched you spring several feet from our backyard pool slide to the upper yard seemingly without effort.
You’re given us 13 years of mischievous joy.
You and Cross were playful, and often naughty, to say the least. You especially held a happy gleam in your eye, fully understanding every word that came out of our mouths. Anytime I would emerge from my room with walking shoes, you were already dancing on your tippy toes at the front door.
When I think in “Ruby language,” here are a few things I imagine went through that mind of yours over the years:
- Our first day in the Wilson home – Cross and I looked at each other and thought these people are CRAZY. But they’re fun!
- Just a couple of months after we came to live with you, Dad tore the fences down in the backyard as they started construction on the swimming pool and pool house. Woohoo – two active puppies with no boundaries!
- Remember when you bought that huge kennel, like the size of an outdoor playground, and it took us just minutes to stretch the wires for an escape hatch? Then you bought the more turbo version with thicker wires, gosh that probably cost a lot of money. And it took us several days of hard work but we got those wires stretched out too.
- After ditching the kennels, you people attached our leashes to zipline in the backyard. Desperate to give us space to run around but we weren’t real interested in running the zipline track over and over.
- Greatest fun was romping in the mud every time you let us out to potty.
- It took you awhile, but someone finally told you to buy a couple of crates, which we actually loved.
- Nickmo came to stay with us for a few days which was super fun and we pooped all over the garage for him. I think it was doggie diarrhea between the crates and the garage wall, it took him forever to get all that cleaned up.
- Had a heyday pulling everything down from laundry room cubbies. They were stacked with the kids’ clean laundry, and it must have been end of the school year because the cubbies were extra full with their elementary notebooks and papers and scrapbooks. Gosh chewing all of those things to pieces took us the whole day.
- Don’t tell Essie, but I hated when the groomer put those bows in my hair. But she thought it was cute so I put up with them, at least for a few days.
- Every time I put my nose on someone’s leg you all would pet me, which was always.
- I felt safest laying down half way underneath a chair or bed.
- At least several times a day, I got nose kisses from Essie.
- Cross liked to follow the rules, but I could totally talk him into getting him into trouble.
- Anytime Cross and I got food or a treat, Cross took forever with tiny bites and nibbling on something, but I was a one-bite wonder, gobbling it down.
- I knew how to nudge my nose under someone’s hand so they would know to pet me.
- We loved the lake and the mountains. Thanks for taking us on those road trips even though I would usually have to throw up in the car (sorry Hudda – but I know you get it, you didn’t like the canyons when you were little either).
- I think most of all we loved all the people. All the family and friends at the house. It seems like some friends were there all the time, but I liked it best when they would come and stay for months. The more the better.
- Branson, nothing made me happier these last few years than your surprise visits home! When you came through the door, hopefully my whining and jumping let you know how much I’d missed you.
- Basden, I know you love us even though you say you don’t. When you were little we got to play with you every day, and you have always been patient with us. You fed us and petted us and most importantly laughed at us.
- Hud, you were more the strong and silent type, but I always felt loved in your presence. When Bran and Essie competed to see who could get our affection the fastest, you were always patient to give me the attention I so badly needed.
- Essie – you were my special sister, my fun-loving twin. The house grew quieter this past year with just you, Mom and Dad. I waited all day for you to get home, and the best part of my day was when you came through that front door and greeted me like you did. I always felt sought out, loved when you came to hug me, lay on the floor with me, cover me with your kisses. I loved being with you when you were happy and when you were sad. When you were sleeping, studying, just anything to be right with you. I spent happy hours day and night in bed with you even though I wasn’t supposed to be on any furniture. Even when Cross started showing his age (old man!), I still slept upstairs in your bed while he stayed down with Mom and Dad.
- Surely no pup could have been loved more, lived a fuller life. Our family is a little crazy for sure but I like the sweet chaos of our home.
Ruby Girl, you made our home more energetic, more fun-loving, and we miss you dearly. Even now several weeks out, tears sometimes spring to our eyes at the mention of your name. Cross is smelling at your empty collar and leash and he seems a little lost without his sidekick. We all feel the weight of your absence. From my momma-heart, I just want to say thank you for the joy you brought us, the hilarious laughter at your antics and near-human perceptibility, but most of all thank you for the friend you were to Essie this past year especially. She has loved you fiercely for many years, but this past year you were her constant companion. We were fortunate to have you.
Ruby 2011-2023