– Oh my GOSH that we got to be a part of this amazing weekend with such once-in-a-lifetime opportunities!

– Coach Rod\’s tweet the week prior

– Bran felt good about his choice of playing his football game (we won by a landslide) and missing BU team dinner. And he walked off the field yet again with no injuries!

– Even after driving down late after Bran\’s Fri night game, we rested well and woke up well

– Cookies and lanyards on the hotel bed waiting for us

they even knew his jersey number

– Staying at the Hilton with the BU football players – cool to see them around and ride up elevator with them

– Sat morning farmer’s market with the other recruit moms, Maggie and Nikki Strauss

– Getting to meet the other recruits (7 total) and their parents

The Magnificent Seven (ha!)

– Recruits and dads attending team workout

holy moley

 – Rummage sale from the BU baseball closet (thanks, Maggie!)

– Boys’ photo shoot and baseball team tailgate on baseball field


 – Loved getting to know the other parents – terrific families

high school classmates!

– AMAZINGLY fun football game v. OU – wow! Really amazing atmosphere in stadium and so exciting even though we lost 49-41, it was a close game and we were all shocked

– Mom staying with girls for Joy’s vb tournament, helping when she was injured, took Essie to Fuzzy’s to watch BU game when our tv wasn’t working – hilarious – and the policeman who told Essie, “I want a little girl just like you someday, a little girl who\’s as big a football fan as you are\”

– Watching the game with Hud

My perk of watching BU play well with Hud – he\’s more fun to watch than the team

– A bright green and gold future ahead!