– Essie’s first 6th grade cotillion

pretty cute 6th grade boys

– This PUNKIN in Bozeman, our newest little cousin Audrey Crystal

– More football – loving our Friday nights

even with Hudda injured, still a thrill to see my boys together
cheering on those Eagles
the gang’s all here
so PROUD of them ~ and football is tip of the iceberg

– LUKE. So so so very thankful for him. And he’s sure a lot of fun to watch on D

– Corbin coming home from DC – we miss him when he’s away

– A quiet day yesterday – Sunday – wonderful!

– Walking down to the park with the girls last night, and then how well they got along practicing vb together in the gaga pit – a gift
– Canwick 2017 – Hud and Amanda

– McLean’s 911 service – that they do this every year and teach our 8th grade kiddos about 911. I always cry

Basden is waaay back there in the choir
Retiring a well-worn flag and burning it, I didn’t know about this custom until these services

– How much she’s loving vb, feeling more accomplished and skilled

with our middle school church leader, Taryn

awesome cheering section

– Sic Em Bears

win or lose, our team

– Ruby snuggled up ~ always

– What a fun crew!! Go Rangers! I’m just so grateful these principals would take the time

Luke, Shane Naderman, Joey Richards, Bran

– These two killin’ it in Montana ~ pun intended

– Special lunch, special friends

– An evening with Hannah and Chase and SHEPHERD

Shepherd falling asleep in Hud’s arms – precious

– Hud’s clear MRI

– Shrimp and sausage kbobs last night and how much Bran ate!

– Hud & Joy working hard on homework

– Getting Hud to cryotherapy, Bran willing to take him

– HSM baptism – THIS many of Hud’s PHS 10th grade friends at CCBC to celebrate – amazing

– Painters here, along with new windows for sunroom – which also gives me a deadline to work in sunroom and clean things out (!)

“before” windows
“before sunroom” – although mostly cleaned out. terrible stained carpet, chipped paint, just dirty. But this room has been one of the most invaluable in our home over the years as an amazing playroom

– Wylidlife watch out!

– Private school perks – time and capacity to celebrate Seniors well

a few of the dozen seniors
love this pic and that Mama Lott did ALL of this – she works tirelessly

– Boys making it safely to school this morn – along with every other morn they’ve gone

– Snuggling with Essie last night – she was so scared listening to her Nancy Drew book that she was literally sweating when I went up to check on her

– That she can achieve her AR points in by listening to books

– That she taught herself how to make a bar graph in pages

– Hud’s shoulder (nerves) still injured, sitting out another game or two, thanking you in all things, Heavenly Father, for what you have for him in this

– Baby Noah’s birth!!

– Ali and Cormac staying with us this week, what joy they bring

Noah time

– Keisters staying with us over the weekend for TCU parents’ weekend

– Your timing, Lord – my boys going to small groups last night and then getting Ali at this hospital for me; painters and windows and yard stuff – You are orchestrating timing so beautifully in ways that I couldn’t

– When I feel jealous – that I can run to you. When I feel aimless – I can run to You. When I feel like my circle of influence is tiny and insignificant, I run to You, Father, and I know in your economy that doesn’t matter anyway. SO. Thank you for my feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, and please help me take my eyes off of myself and instead shape those thoughts into how I can worship You and encourage others around me. But I need your strength & hope to do it

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12