– Essie snapping a quick pic ~ even with a highway setting the Texas sunset is gorgeous
– Prov 14:10 – Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy ~ why it’s so critical to be in the Word, to have God’s rich encouragement indwelling inside of us ~ because really others aren’t going to share our sorrows or our joys, the deep stuff comes from God alone
– Getting to see Pilar, love her so much

– Essie and Ava doing WW together – knocked it out early, what a relief

– Another great football week with SCS and BU in the W column

Coach Flowers is just awesome
Bran #3

– My out-of-control allergies (!!!!!) – truly practicing gratitude!

– Getting to see Ward, made Bran so happy

– Some margin over the weekend ~ which turned out great since I felt so crummy

– Wamstads taking Essie to the TCU game, a treat!
– Prov 19:11 – A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense ~ oh my gosh as we sat in the kitchen late last night, and I complained to Corbin and the boys about a rude FB comment and then a rude teenager… can I just learn to keep my mouth shut? But here is my encouragement ~ written two centuries ago ~ that it\’s possible and profitable to overlook an offense
– Prov 14:13 – Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief  – so true that it\’s all mixed in. heartache and joy all swirling together this side of Heaven, and the Lord knows
– Daboo\’s hamburger stroganoff – always a favorite

– Fall is here in the Wilson backyard ~ Hud\’s willingness to skim the pool… again

– These sweet girls! (thanks, Betsy!)

– 7th grade football game ~ cute girls cheering them on

– A phone call from the principal ~ so sweet of our choir teacher and administrators to call home with GOOD news

 – Weekend vb tourney

2nd place (and a close game at that!)
Proud Daddy ~ mostly just from watching her enjoy this sport
Daboo is a loyal fan, only one to make the early game (!)

 – Bran actually made it to SCS Homecoming ~ our plans kept shifting, and sweet Ashlyn filled in last minute, love this girl

And thank you, Jennifer ~ so sweet to get a pic of Bran for me

– Such a sweet group! Thanks, Anne, for a special day for all of our girls

– Watching this kid play baseball ~ and how excited he was for the game

 – He did it! Hud asking Sadie to PHS Homecoming

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12