– A day AWAY at the lake over Labor Day weekend

Obligatory Taco Casa stop on way to the lake
Trailer trouble. Lots of creative geniuses to figure it out
Dad and Mom get a turn
Daddys and Daughters
Harper doesn’t look too sure about her driver…
Evening at 7R ~ so relaxing

– Essie and Meggie in the kitchen for me, school lunch prep

– That Basden made volleyball B team, even though she wanted A. Thankful in all things ~ You know, Lord

– Our visit to Waco on 8/31 ~ Eph 3:20, Malachi 3:10

Touring the athlete’s weight room
He’s sold

Um, wow. More on this later, but just wow.

“I want you on my team” ~ Coach Rod  (!!!!!!!!)

– Richie

– A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul ~ Prov 13:19

– A full kitchen

– Proud Papa and Cappy ~ Baylor gear all around

– Hudda playing Panther football (#12)

Elliott’s handoff
Pushing through
Just a little bit more…
Sildeline coaching
Let’s try this again
That he gets up ok after tumbles like this

–  Freshman team meals (THANK you, Dana and moms!)

– Celebrating Bran’s BU commitment at Dutch’s with friends

(not pictured – all of our green and gold balloons and Baylor celebration gear…)

– Taylor’s hand-made gift for the Medfords; grateful for his time and talent that enables us to give a heart-felt gift

– 10 minutes with Sarah Meek outside of SmartBarre

– Hud and Basden managing their studies so well, I hardly know what classes they’re taking

– That I can turn the page on a crummy afternoon and evening; that Your mercies are new every morning

– Paulette’s baptism, her reconciliation and humility

Such a special day. This could be an entire post

– How much Basden is enjoying volleyball

Such sweet girls!

– Luke, Hunter, Skylar, Summer

– Must be football season

– SCS football games, now a weekly part of our routine. Especially love the wins

He says its not his sport, but love that he’s part of this team
Joy and Julia! Especially fun to see J in a PHS shirt

– Bran is not lacking grandparent support

– Coach Howard, his leadership at SCS, and his investment in Bran and our family

– How Essie, even at an SCS (away!) game, where we hardly know anyone, finds herself in the mush pot of the student section

– Because how can you just drive by and not stop??

– My little Baylor Bear and her selfies

– Getting to meet Brad Deal’s mom at Local Foods

Happy bday, Dana ~ thanks for letting me hijack your conversation!

– 911 Service at McLean Middle

Basden getting to sing with honor choir

– Precious Ashlyn G ~ love that girl

– A dozen cupcapkes flipped over from the seat into the floorboard. Thankful they were store bought.

– HMS baptism service ~ praying over those being baptized. Love our church and student leaders

– How Basden spends her spare time

– BU v. SMU… Sic em bears!

Noah and Cade drove up from Wimberly AND donned BU shirts


Julia and Basden
Introducing Krista to Baylor football! Even this SEC Georgia girl was impressed


Special treatment ~ I think he could get used to this
I spy Branson… and he’s not in a bad seat
Darling girls
I love several things about this pic… Sanders in it with us, Essie on C’s shoulders (that’s about to end), and Julia and Basden not too old to hold hands.


Great game, great crew

– Basden’s coaches telling her last night that they’re moving her to the A team (at least for now) ~ that they recognized her hard work and continued effort; her sensitivity to those who aren’t getting to play

– That Heavenly Father, I know I don’t have to earn your ability to fill me, You want to do it. I consent to live under your gracious influence and control. I will look for your refreshment to my parched spirit.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12