– Celebrating 17 years

Aug 11, 1995

– A screenshot of Hud\’s post on Instagram ~ sweet boy (feel free to roll eyes at this one… but I\’m not missing a chance to memorialize this!)

– A full pool after a football meeting – makes my heart happy

– Football season

– Dropping in on Daddy at work – in a poodle skirt, no less

– A $12 lunch with dear friends

– Celebrating Jenna\’s 40th!

– Celebrating Karl\’s 50th. Wish I had a pic of the birthday couple – such a memorable celebration. Mostly because of the intimate nature of their marriage.

And – an excuse to wear this vintage, hand-crocheted wedding gown I bid $25 on at the Angel Fire Community Center a couple of summers ago

– She just discovered this place. \”Closest thing to Heaven.\”

– Boys\’ last summer outing to the lake – Bran with his gar and bass (thanks, Daboo, for taking them again!)

– Watching the boys jump and flip at Flight Deck, awakening my grief for Stephanie

– Nan & Jeff\’s quick visit – loved our lunch.  Especially Jeff\’s scribbles on a napkin at lunch – sharing a language for \”transitions\”

– The start of a new school year – new beginnings. One child\’s text to Corbin, \”Daddy, I have the nicest teacher in the school.\” 

– Back-to-school parties

Basden and her 4th grade buddies at Van Grow
Pool parties a-plenty

 – All four kid\’s school schedules and teachers – I continue to be so impressed and touched by these teachers and staff

Seeing friends at open house sure helps get us motivated for the new year

– New leadership at our elementary – a fresh start

– First day of school – and that it went smoothly


– Mrs. Burlin and how much Basden admires her

– Reuniting with friends

– Running into Sam and Campbell (and Lori!) at Sweet Frog ~ first day as big Paschal boys!

– Bran excited about football. And basketball. And his friends\’ transfers to McLean.

– My writing spot

– Your forgiveness- that it flows from the essence of your character. I can count on you to be like the prodigal son’s father – not giving me an additional lecture when I come to you in repentance but calling for a robe and a ring and a feast in my honor. (Treasury of Praise, \”Clean and More\”)

– Emails from Navy Commanders

– These dear friends in Austin and how we miss them.

– Andee\’s vision and hospitality, Katherine\’s cooking prowress, and a room of amazing women. And of course, and Tarrant Net\’s Read to Win!

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12