Three weeks in June with this one – she is remarkable. Easy to be with, and yet pushes me to obedience
This little Cheer Captain kicking off the summer with SCS Cheer camp. Here comes senior year
Getting to be married to this guy. Full of joy and service
Whew a month of loss In several significant ways, including Ruby Girl. Cross getting extra love these days
Broken hearts, in different ways and for different reasons. You are doing a new thing, Lord. Give me eyes to see your movement, your truth, to see people for how YOU see them, for who they really are.
“Hope will never put us to shame. It will never embarrass us by failing to deliver. Hope can only be found vertically. Only when God us your hope, is your hope secure. Only he can deliver the internal peace that is the hunger of every human. It’s only when grace has hooked you to him that you are connected to what life is really about.” – Paul Tripp
Lord, by you’ve grace please hook me to YOU and your hope.
Beach fam vacay. Missed Hudda but just so good to get to the seaside
I will remember this evening, catching the last bit of sun with Basden, restful hour or so just watching the waves
Hud’s 3rd summer on the K2 dock, I think he’d call this home (as always, thankful for CK – and now Caroline too!)
Basden left the beach for the mountains. Father’s day balloon rides over Angel Fire (thank you, M&P!)
Just love him so much. Just so encouraging.
Col 1:23 Continue in the faith, firmly established and steadfast, not moved away from the hope of the gospel
“The righteousness of God, credited to me through Christ, is not merely something I rest in but is also the premier saving reality by which God governs me. Rom 6 – when I obeyed the gospel call I was both declared righteous and became a slave to righteousness at the same time. Quite literally, the righteousness that God credited to me became my master the day I was converted.” – Gospel Primer
That obedience brings freedom.
Pappy (and Sonny!) honored in Somerset. Such a special weekend
Restful summer nights at home – swimming and movies and celebrating friends at Joe Ts
Still a comfort to me
Tell Me Something Good – Essie’s new podcast. She is working hard and having a ball! TB the mastermind. So many supporters and amazing friends paving the way. And getting to connect with the neatest people!
CCBC Kids Camp – truly frames our kids’ childhoods of attending and serving
Lots of transition – sweet goodbyes as Bailey and Grayson head to Austin
God is unwilling to be your means to what you call the “good life.” Your relationship with him must be your definition of the good life. We set our hearts on things that we think will make us happy and then ask God to be the delivery person. Jesus is the “good life” that you need, no matter what’s on your wish list. – Paul Tripp
Basden was happy to be home a bit, but READY to get back to Kamp with Hud. Lots of responsibility and challenges even with all the fun for these kids
Fishing, writing music, learning golf, Port A and a friend’s ranch… adjusting to his adulting life. He’s quick to encourage me
Lives spared – Abbey R., Ruthie B, the K-Wild guys… and yet you don’t always spare lives. We don’t understand your protection this side of Heaven. So much tragedy mixed in with our gratitude. Help us to trust you, Father.
4th of July week in Angel Fire and Eagle’s Nest – it’s been too long
Eden’s wedding – Essie’s 1st as (back up) photographer – in Mama and Papa’s backyard!
Riv’s sushi night, Papa’s sourdough biscuits, carving out a few quiet moments, and cool mountain air at Papa’s Mountains
You keep crushing my idols. Even when I try to rebuild, you are breaking them down. Please keep at it.
Because laughter really is the best medicine
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chron 16:11