– This summer especially, I\’m aware of our kids getting older, as they are entertaining themselves with creative outlets (which I do have to push, but not very hard): a treasure box of extra materials like empty oatmeal canisters, cardboard paper towel rolls, etc – Hud crafted a boat, complete with a fabric (hot-glued) sail. Basden and Es with needle felting (thanks, Auntie Cam, for introducing us to this a couple of years ago)… so awesome that they can do these things independently.

It stayed afloat! Glass shower tiles, wooden skewers & silk for a sail, Crystal light canisters
Es taking apart all those glass tiles one by one
Basden\’s creation
With their one-of-a kind bracelets (and belt)
Making a volcano (now on this one I felt like Mom of the year)

– Hud begging for a pile of discarded wood

– Bran spending a week in Watercolor with friends. His first text after they\’d arrived to their house was that they have a pond in the backyard! (Nevermind the entire Gulf of Mexico right out front)

– The gifts Bran brought home from the sea – hats for the girls, sunglasses for Hud, and a coffee mug for me… perfect. Girls lit up when they saw them.

– Corbin’s “heavy” with work right now. That You’ve provided this work for him, and that he does it well, even in the midst of heavy seasons.

– Basden figuring out ways to swim without getting her face wet

– Her creative bandaids

– Basden\’s \”cat bag\” ~ first summer sewing project

– The girls\’ first pool-house sleepover. I intended to sleep out there with them, but Hud took over as protector.

Sweet girls. Love those grins.
And those.

– Shaun in our home this summer

– That my (sometimes intense) negative emotions are temporary. With offering them up to Him, God can change them even if the circumstance doesn\’t change – but He most often engineers the circumstances to improve in His time.

– \”Toodles!\”

– Skylar\’s baptism, and then getting to celebrate with her friends and family afterwards.

Surrounded by men who love her
And women.
Special, special people

– That in Hud\’s District game last week, when SW Arlington hit a grand slam and moved us from a one-run lead to 3 behind, I asked the moms around me about the tournament bracket and when we would play next. All the moms, including Daboo, responded with \”Saturday\” – which was when we would play with a win. And, we won!

Always in it.
Running the baseline… wish I knew what he was thinking??
A walking comedy act
Proud Momma

– A loss to the other SW Arl team a few days later – a 3-hour game with an extra inning when the other team got their final run with two outs. Painful, this baseball!

– Tom and Molly\’s news. A life-changing, generous, gift.

– What summer looks like

– Daboo\’s homegrown tomatoes – and the salsa they turn out!

– Blueberries from Daboo\’s garden ~ and in turn her blueberry jam- yum!

How cute is that?!

– Watching the puppies play and wrestle – so glad they have each other.

– Bran confiscating – and wearing – Corbin\’s old Tri Delt shirts from Baylor

– Basden wanting a hamster. Mommy not wanting a hamster, because I can just imagine our puppies with a new hamster. We\’ll see who wins this one…

– Cupcake yummies dropped off by the Howards – \”just because.\” Filled our sweet tooth, but also lightened our hearts. 

– Blue Mesa with Chris and Sarah. Not only a fun dinner, but touched by the longevity and dear nature of their friendships. Foundational friends. And – their marriage – authentic – inspires us.

– Weather this week – highs in upper 80\’s??!  Coffee and a blanket on porch in mornings?!

– The Bannisters surrounded by friends, support, lots of meals, and people who love them coming alongside to meet needs and offer kindness

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12