– Mom and Dad’s 45th anniversary. Getting to celebrate on the same BEACH where Trey and Amy got married;  Dad baptizing both Ashlyn and Joy Taylor; getting to spend the week with both Trey and Chris’ families. Of course I wish we and Luke’s family were there, but reflecting in God’s gifts of family and preservation of Spiritual truths even in our absence.

– That You order my days

– Corbin leaving work early and taking boys to Colonial at noon today

– That I trust you, Lord, in my circumstances, our day

– Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jn 14:6

– “That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet”

– Albracht wedding

– Escaping my house today! I am so thirsty for quiet, and you have provided that today. But I had to vacate my home and enlist help to get to solitude: An open calendar day (on purpose), Mom getting kids after school, and taking over a quiet office at Corbin’s work. Coffee, solitude, my Bible and laptop… I left our house crazy with kitchen torn up (new countertops), everything dusty, Reed moving out today, lots of dirty dishes (no kitchen sink) and loads of dirty laundry. What a gift to escape. I am peopled out. Thank you for this space, this day. I feel like I so needed it, but I know it’s a tremendous gift from you, Lord

– Mom getting Es’ Swedish costume together. I had nothing to offer. She made the cutest apron yesterday to create a costume, went home late last night (after a trip to the lake) and sewed it. Just amazing. So grateful for Daboo jumping in the save the day – even without being asked

– Putting on the Armor of Christ ~ belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, good news of peace footwear, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit ~ your Word. Not luxuries or nice options, but necessities. This armor is a vital part of your plan of delivering me from the corrupt and destructive behaviors and thoughts that Satan promotes

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1

– Our last Moms in Prayer for the year ~  they make Monday mornings quite special

Mindy and Carole – Mindy drove in from Waco to meet with us!
Loyal prayer partners
Praying together since our kids started elementary ~ now those same kiddos are in 10th and 11th grade
Getting to meet Amy\’s sweet Chase
– Coach Jeanne\’s hospitality with an end-of-season volleyball party
Jeanne is quite an athlete herself, and was fantastic with our girls
Until next season…

– Early morning donuts with Mr. Williams

– When Esther gets a hold of my label maker

– Reed staying with us these past few weeks. His kindness, humor, our mutual love for the Texas Rangers, a privilege to offer him a spot to stay
– Broken ice maker, and too much time spent researching new ones. Frustrating. But Daboo and Reed proved quite resourceful in installing our new one (much better than the Sears guys I chased out of my house)
Yeeesss ~ ice!!

 – 3rd grade rollerskating party ~ an annual tradition

– Watching Hudson on stage, calling out names for 7th awards program. A surprise privilege.

Love our principal, Mr. Engel
Mr. Deal – like family!

– Basden\’s 5th grade promotion. I cried all morning before getting to McLean for the ceremony. Other issues helped prompt my emotions, but I was coming to grips with the end of her elementary years. So, so proud of and thankful for this sweet girl.

Ann Brannon award for Writing

Mrs. McKenzie, Ms. Smith, Mr. Williams – our favs

Mrs. Yager is awesome

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12