– Hud\’s big grin (the braces are new ~ his round 2 began a couple of weeks ago). Snapped by Kevin, our middle school pastor after lunch at Chipotle.

– Coffee on the back porch looking out over a rainy summer Sunday morning

– That Essie still gets in Basden\’s bed to \”snugglebug\” with her. Incidentally, I don\’t think this would be on Basden\’s gratitude list – unless she is truly \”thankful in all things\”

– Nettie May\’s visit here – almost a week in New York together, then back here for Camp Calico.

– Girls surprising us with a \”show\”

Spidey, Hula Girl and the \”Pie\” clown
Handing out popcorn

Nettie May does quite an impression of Spidey
Sulky Spidey

\”I like pie!\” (funny – she really doesn\’t)

– Essie and I blinking back tears when Corbin drove Basden to Love Field, along with Nettie and Mama, heading to the mountains. But we\’re excited for her two weeks in Angel Fire with family. She is most looking forward to riding in Eagle Nest\’s annual 4th of July parade and playing with cousins ~ both Benjamins and Wilsons ~ River and Nera from Seattle. Missing her already. 

– Finding Essie\’s note on the laundry room door

– Twins!

– Under a (light) blanket on the back porch… in June??!

– Dropping Bran off at Paschal for conditioning workouts – reality that he is now a high school Freshman.

– Two victories last night for both boys\’ District teams in Weatherford- thankful!!

Pretty night for baseball (Hud at RF – barely visible here – but a pretty sunset!)
LOVE this Coach and son duo ~ Robin Thomas has greatly poured into Hud over the years
Hudda at bat

– Basden in the mountains with her cousins and Mama and Papa… so grateful she has this time away with family in such a pretty spot

Wildflowers for the dining table
Barefoot cuties
They don\’t have to go far from home to get pretty scenery

– Essie\’s spend-the-nights with Avie.

– And this pic Nik sent. We dubbed it, \”Little House on the Prairie ~ J. Lo Style\”

– A restful week. So so grateful.

– Misty insisting on Elvia taking a vacation

– Art camp with Avie. Donuts and artist shirts.

– Corbin\’s work. How it provides, and what he\’s learning, good and hard. That he\’s incredibly good with and truly cares for his physicians. Frustrating for me that he\’s not shown appreciation by administrators, but that seems harder on me than on him. That Corbin pushes on, diligent and optimistic, regardless. Practicing gratitude for ALL things, all that he\’s learning and enduring through work.

– A fresh reminder that we are God\’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Esp 2:10

– A couple of hours with Dad at Cracker Barrel over breakfast ~ just the two of us ~ completing sentences.

One of my fav pics of the two of us

– Hanging up the phone with Basden\’s \”toodles!\” in my ear, a smile on my face.

– Basden\’s \”small world\” encounter in Eagle Nest. When meeting Foster\’s new friend – a family that recently moved from Texas – she recognized him as Hud\’s friend from Laity Lodge Family Camp.

– Took a couple of weeks into summer, but finally a chance to relax poolside!

– Getting to host our church\’s high school swim party ~ even though all of us were at Bran\’s baseball game (!)

– Coming home to a spotless house and yard after the high school party. I was overwhelmed. Thank you, Mitchell Travis (and all the leaders – I\’m not even sure who all was here!), for taking such great care of things. Amazing.

– Pizza, swimming and gator riding with the Petersons in their new home; DeeDee jumping in last-minute to help with Hud at ULL.

– A Saturday where everyone got to sleep late.

– So if I\’m really grateful in all things, Hud\’s team\’s stinging loss to SW Arl this week. The Lord knows. I just wish I didn\’t care so much, I\’d just love his team to win District. On the bright side ~ Hud made a several great catches in RF, including a catch over the fence to stop a HR.

– Getting to spend the day with Bran and Brock – Hud\’s game, Torchy\’s Tacos, swimming and basketball. Love this kid, and his family!

– Mitchell (church high school intern) taking Bran and Cole fishing all day Sunday afternoon – on his few hours off crunched between Sun morn and Sun evening church. This is after he rode out to Weatherford with Corbin and me last week to watch one of Bran\’s games. What a gem.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12