– Dinner at Tricky Fish, Essie\’s yummy wings, these two beauties above (that couldn\’t look more different). Getting to see Mac and Mason made our evening

– HSM, under Graham\’s leadership. The evidence of a grounded ministry all around – Hud\’s senior Bible, welcome packets for Esther, small groups trying their hardest to keep meeting… so grateful for our church\’s amazing high school ministry and the team. Making the very best with Covid restrictions
Every single senior receives these Bibles, every single year, signed by the entire HSM staff

– Blake and the Jenkins fam, grateful

– Mom helping Basden plant a vegetable garden. Yes, we\’re kind of late to the game, but happy to have this done. Another reminder what a hard worker Daboo is – and she\’s strong!

– Time. When have we ever just sat down because we could?

– Fri evening summer rainstorm, we happened to take a walk about an hour before the rain started as the wind swopped in and temps dropped about ten degrees in a moment. We literally felt the front sweep past us – pretty amazing

– Father\’s day lunch at Bourland, so cool on the back porch we got sweaters – on June 21!

– This popped up on my FB memories this week, grateful for the 9ers summer and Shope and Shapard. This was a baseball brightspot for Bran, brought the fun back to baseball. I think Bran\’s 9th grade summer

– Wildlife on our little front yard path, bunnies and then this beauty

– This guy, this family, this friendship. Who isn\’t grateful for the Andersons?!

– Evening walks (stunning sunset behind us, not picked up well but still in my mind\’s eye)

– Pics from kamp. Missing this one

Loooooove these girls – precious ones

– And this one

– Joy getting a Galveston vacay with Buells and Breedings

– \”Worship is first our identity before it ever becomes our activity… There is no such thing as a non-worshipping human being. The only thing that divides human beings is what or whom they worship.\” P. Tripp

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12