A Branson surprise! Showed up for Sunday lunch

Love having him home for a few hours

Bailey moved in and is a FABULOUS addition to the Wilson home

Summer begins with HSM

SO very grateful for Chrissie’s decision to stay with me in Admission ~ whew!! More productive and all of that but also more fun. Feeling SUCH a weight lifted not starting full time work
Basden working at Camp Thurman in the rain
Grateful to the family before us who planted great landscaping. These just show up every spring
This – made me laugh so hard!
We’ll take as much Avalon time as we can get

Surprises in the mail from Mama – and this is a great one!

Amen to this

Lunch date with Daboo including a visit to Fossil Creek Tree Farm and Nursery – she was absolutely in her element here


Whew working at Camp Thurman is no joke – the hours, the energy, the sunburn… grateful for this experience for her

This looks like Corbin is comforting her, but it was really just an end of the day welcome home hug
DiStasios and Higgins families in our backyard – nothing better than children laughing and swimming

And there she is again!! AVALON


Father, thank you for these verses this morning. I needed them, Your Word and your promises:

You are the God of hope. Fill my heart with all joy and peace as I trust in you, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom 15:13

Help me to see the trials that (my children) go through as part of your big picture plan to make them mature and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

Equip me to stand firm in prayer for my child, knowing that this labor is not in vain. 1 For 15:58

A Hudda sighting!

thank you Claire! On a night off from Kamp

And Luke found Hud while dropping off Bogan and the boys – makes me so happy

That little Julia stayed the whole week

Oh my goodness – Thurs AND Fri off this week, can hardly believe it!! Feels WONDERFUL to be on summer work schedule

Mornings on the back porch

Hud’s discernment – KIVU, now Kanakuk – I learn a lot from him
Bran’s work this summer, I didn’t realize he’d be part of a team. Another really successful week ~ not taking that for granted. Ward’s kind text.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-12