– Unexpected, restful week in Watercolor; Getting our toes in the sand – and ocean; Time with Stephen, getting to know Kyle better; Jungle Speed; Good friends and good food; Salty breezes, fairly cool beach temps; Golf carts and bicycles; Remembering Rosemary; Family time – conflict and laughter all mixed in; Shopping for 30A treasures; Running into friends; Rainy days and sunny days; Graduation speeches and AP tests even at the beach; Essie\’s positive attitude of nearly two weeks without a phone; Beach walk with Bran the morning he left for Kamp. 

well that was fun. thankful this guy made our beach week happen
– Mama and Papa taking care of pups. Always wanting to be touched

– A senior tradition – there\’s Hudda up there – not quite the normal tradition but it\’ll work

– Neighbors who paint these and place them around the walking trail, brightens my heart

– New Auburn friends, thanks for hosting Stephanie!

– \”Change is not found in defending our righteousness, but in admitting our weakness and crying out for help.\” – P. Tripp

– Missing B. Feels like a long time but no where else I\’d rather him spend ten weeks. Your provision, Lord. 

– Hanging out with this one

– Press Cafe just the three of us – a treat to have that time

– When I (or my family) feels hurt by friends, and I\’m quite sure they don\’t have accurate info in the first place, practicing giving them the benefit of the doubt. Recognizing that they are in pain to begin with. I / we don\’t have to be right or validated. Time may unveil some things and can also be a great healer.

– When lack of desire and lack of confidence turns to rest and joy

– That the Isrealites aroma was pleasing to you, Lord, that you receive pleasure from earthly senses

– There are moments I\’m jealous of their life

– Cousins in town!! 

– Cappy and Daboo\’s 50th anniversary – this could take up the entire gratitude post

So good to spend the evening in their backyard, Mom has truly created a sanctuary

so grateful to be part of the bounty of this 50 year-marriage

– Calvin Tucker McMillan, that the Lord gets to hold and enjoy him. When Graham hurts the gospel pours out

– This. And that I need to do it more often. 

– I will miss watching him running the baseline

 – Grateful for a good and challenging summer for this one. Special that he gets to experience a place and people that have meant so much to me

– How\’d she come up with a Clemson mask?! (Finley!!)

one of Trevor\’s biggest fans

– I\’ve loved this verse for years. So much packed into just a few words

– Just a ten min talk with Jess – does my heart good

– …And she\’s off to the beach AGAIN…

– These four. Nothing compares

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12