– Good (in season) strawberries

– Weekly visits in the surgeon\’s waiting room – always someone with much worse injuries than me. Perspective.

– Hot tomato basil soup

– Running into Laura periodically at Einstein\’s – what a gem

– Branson as Eric Liddell. AND- the last project for the year!

– Basden as a robber. And director.

Her costume may look simple, but it took a lot of consulting with smart people to make it come together (this was the morning after we\’d put together Mr. Liddell).
These two co-directed the entire \”opera\”
Basden and Mrs. Burlin, our incredible music teacher

– Again, the gift of a big cheering section!

– Family conferences on the front steps of the school – agreeing to team up in prayer for these kiddos

– Ranger games with my husband and boys

– A few quiet moments

– Finishing loads of paperwork and forms!!

– That I could check \”no\” all the way down the line. Thankful!

– Coffee with Melissa, her story of God\’s drawing her heart

So Created

– Music camp auditions with SMILES instead of tears!

– Good friends, good food

– Sunday afternoon visitors

– Jaguar racing

– Chicken enchiladas, roasted salsa and cream cheese pound cake

– Cute buns! (she doesn\’t read my blog yet)

– A husband who fixes my flat tires

– Pot roast and corn dropped off – thank you, Mama!

– Artapalooza and all that it inspires. Seriously, one of the coolest things our school offers.

How fun is THAT? Even more festive with the Paschal marching band filling those steps with a morning welcome.
Basden\’s self-portrait

Foil paintings
Duct tape wallets

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12