These gratitude posts ~ better late than never!

– Reed moving in last Friday night, getting to meet his friend Lucas from South Korea in the process.

– Watching Big Hero 6 with the kids on a rainy Sunday night.

– Worth this tub of uniforms sitting in our garage for twenty years!

– Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. Jn 14:27

– How much Bran loves his church small group.

– Cross and Ruby\’s summer haircuts.

– Essie\’s proclamation on the kitchen.

– One more science project checked off the list. 

Molly and Basden did this 100% by themselves.

– Fifteen years of monthly dinners with dear friends. This particular month ~ Blue Mesa after  Anthropologie\’s Fashion show.

Lovely Beth as an Anthro model
Love these dear friends.

 – Kevin and his investment in our middle school kids

– Special Moms in Prayer meeting, praying over our graduating 5th graders. Very special tradition.

– Alan and Jeremy\’s generosity to immediately jump in and cut up an enormous fallen branch in our yard last Saturday, then a delivery of Mother\’s Day flowers to me (and many other moms) an hour later. Such helpful neighbors.

– Sweet friends.

We love the Rooneys!

– Where Cross sleeps each night ~ at the entrance to our room.

Our great protecter

– Knowing that a TCU student was baptized in the hot tub last week, with nearly a hundred kids here watching and celebrating, even though we were gone the whole time. Precious to get to be a part.

– An expensive home repair. Practicing gratitude in all things, that your will is good, acceptable, and perfect, Lord. Grateful Jordan is available and can do it.

– Daboo signing Esther up for ….baton lessons??

– Corbin \”repurposing\” part of Saturday night\’s dinner into Sunday\’s lunch.

– Lots of reasons to celebrate Hud\’s successes this year

McLean Athletic Banquet
Football awards
Coach Beltram awards

What a gift to share these moments with all four grandparents
A special privilege to win the same \”Most Outstanding\” award Bran won as a 7th grader

 – Bran\’s very quick recovery from wisdom teeth removal. Thank you again, Dr. Stella!

– Surgery Friday, at church by Sunday. Still chubby bunnny, but so thankful for quick healing.

– My distress call to both grandmas (\”Help!\”) about making Basden\’s Glenda the Good Witch costume

Texted them for help on Tuesday, Wednesday they had Basden at JoAnn\’s
Just the right Glenda dress – $8 at McCart thrift (funny daddy)
Creating \”Glenda crowns\” with Claire from transparent cutting boards and sequins
Cutest Glenda ever
She was really happy with her costume. Made me so happy.

– One of my favorite dynamics of the whole Glenda costume process – when we ran into McCart Thrift on a Sunday afternoon and found the basic white dress, we got to the counter and realized that if we\’d had a McCart Thrift rewards card, we would have saved even more money by shopping on a Sunday. But as I gave the cashier my card, she informed me no worries, that my husband had already registered for a rewards card. Of COURSE he had.

– All this rain is good for something.

Hudda and his crazy buddies at the Thursday Boys \”pond\”

– Radiology Assoc dinner here Saturday evening. Such neat families.

– Mother\’s Day with both sets of parents and all four kiddos.


– Reed jumping in to help Essie with a song on the piano, call out Basden\’s spelling words. Both instances when they asked for my help as I was doing something else, and Reed immediately jumped in, \”Here, I can help!\”

– The fun of watching the Rangers, esp as they’ve been winning lately.

– Cindy Burlin, aka Tanglewood\’s music teacher and our dear friend.

Mrs. Burlin is a GIFT to our family and our community
3rd grade Robin Hood play

 – This cutie. You never know who will emerge from the sun room costume closet

– Kelly Orthodontics. And especially Abby.

No more braces! (at least not til round 2 in a few years)

– That Bran is good at this.

– How she came to the car when I asked her to hop out of the pool because we needed to run to Tom Thumb.

– These boys love their Mama! 

– Front yard picnics on a pretty spring day – why not??

– That we get Mama and Papa in town for \”dailies\” in the spring months

– More volleyball

Love this (blurry) pic ~ Basden\’s excitement on the court

– These two. That they\’ve become good friends.

– Getting to live my days with these funny (amazing) girls

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12