(These gratitude posts – better late than never!)

– Celebrating Hud’s spiritual birthday ~ hearing how his brother and sisters see the Holy Spirit in him. A theme of kindness.

– Es and her fantastic 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Clynch

LeBron and Ms. Clynch after a gym party

– Fort Worth\’s Dirty Scurry. Such a fun event for kids. Surprised how much the event is growing!





– Josh is back in Texas.

– Making time for this.

– An adventurous day. And as usual, Esther penned a note to make it official.

Actually, \”re-pierced\”

– Great friends, great school, great park. I don\’t want to take these gifts for granted.

– This unexpected surprise waiting in our pool house ~ such a kind, encouraging gift and (anonymous) note. A significant lift.

– Hud going ON AND ON about a book he\’s reading on a Navy Seal. Unrestrained excitement and respect. If he goes into that profession one day, I will trace it back to him picking up The Red Circle as a 13-year-old at Half-Price books.

– Happier (smoother) days in our home these past couple of weeks.

– That it\’s almost pool season.

– Basden and her braids.

– That Basden was assigned \”Glenda\” in Wizard of Oz trial – she so wanted that part.

– Tanglewood\’s Artapalooza. And for great friends who send me pictures throughout the day!

Paschal Jazz Band greeting our kiddos in the morning
All the parents who volunteer time and creativity to make this day possible ~ truly amazing.

– Rodeo Goat and Steel City Pops with 5th grade girls


– Intense thunderstorms

– My Sunday afternoon date with Basden to the Botanical Gardens (and then back to Steel City!)


Special girl, special quilt, special day

– Cameron and Alan\’s family coming for a visit, along with Uncle Clinton!

Alan, Bran, Corbin and Clinton
Auntie Cam with all the girls
Rowan, Pate, Essie
Nettie, Rowan, Foster, Esther, Basden ~ cousin fun

– FW Cats finally getting to play some tournaments with rain-free weekends

 – Branson and the worship team getting to host another Saturday evening \”Gathering\”

Bran and Sloan
Nettie May performing her songs

– More baseball. Love watching Hudda and his team.

– Essie\’s note she scrawled (to herself) on her lunch bag.

\”God loves you!\”

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12