– Spring of Hud\’s senior year allows for some reminiscing, these picutres are worth not a thousand but about a billion words

– Essie excusing herself from the dinner table, upset but we weren\’t sure why, and finding Hud in her room when I went to check on her. I almost fell over

– The girls\’ creativity, I think it\’s funnier than they do

– \”It contradicts our normal thinking, but the doorway to freedom is submission.\” – Paul Tripp

– Essie and Basden getting creative to see friends

Social distancing – at least for the picture

– Family dinners on the patio – all six of us. I never dreamed these things would happen in May (esp thankful for Campisis pizza on the patio)

– In-school classes officially cancelled through the end of the year. No real surprise here, but still tough to swallow. Basden not going back to PHS, a challenge to not feel closure. Hud\’s senior year, just all of it. Helpful to know how to plan but it kind of takes my breath away. The Lord knows. 
– Real feelings of discouragement. That they come in waves. And that they don\’t remain. 

– On that note, booked a trip to the beach – IN MAY – I am beside myself so happy about this

 – \”Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.\” 1 Peter 5:7
If we truly cast our burdens upon another, can they continue to pressure us? -Streams

 – Krista\’s surprise on our walk, hovering right over this tarantula while stretching afterwards

 – Essie\’s notes. She\’s done this since I\’ve known her 🙂


– Getting to help Bran by editing a paper – funny the things we\’re grateful for in quarantine – anything to spend time with this kid

– Basden the stylist
This is the closest we\’ve gotten to grandaprents, lots of washing hands
Lookin good Daboo!

– The Lord totally going before us in conversations around here, just incredible how sometimes God shows his presence so clearly

– \”Genuine faith puts its letter in the mailbox and lets go\” – Streams

– A quick photography project

– Early morning walk before the day starts (not that early, \”TJ\” early)
– Discovering one of our boys watching \”Fox and the Hound\”
– Bran making us all laugh – a lot
– Not taking one bit of this time with everyone here for granted (trying not to!)
– More hours logged during quarantine than in the years since we bought an xbox (not sure if I\’m real grateful for this one) 

– More of Corbin in the kitchen

– Cooking low-carb for Corbin, the kid\’s surprise to find out exactly what the \”crunch\” was on the chicken dish tonight (they cleared their plates before finding out it was pork rinds… that won\’t be happening again)

– Rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say rejoice…
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus – Phil 4

– Jason S\’s video, sharing his testimony, watched Easter morning but still setting in my heart. So grateful for God\’s powerful work and that we get to see it years later

– Working on a \”just for fun\” video with Bran. Hours together! And even when some of our motive was misunderstood, still worth it


– Sums up so many of my feelings during this quarantine

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12