– Adults across our city breathing new life and energy into the Fort Worth Young Life Committee

– Elvia, Elvia, Elvia!! And my clean house!

– Jessica\’s 40th birthday – and getting to celebrate right there with her


– Esther\’s note on my nightstand, waiting my return from Little Rock – her response to the note and \”kisses\” (Herseys) I\’d left her

– Homemade granola (2 batches this week)

– That I still find them like this

– Last Sunday\’s game. Thankful in ALL things. I know, I know, it\’s just baseball. But baseball is at times an anvil in our home – a sharpening tool for all of us. To watch Bran jog up to that mound, bright and hopeful and excited to throw, and then a zillion pitches later (still in the 1st inning) having allowed a zillion (eleven!)  runs, sweat pouring down his face and all of us pleading for a 3rd out… ugh. And Coach Shope having the decency and wisdom to keep in ON the mound until the 3rd out.

– 4 loving grandparents on his team

– Hud taking batting practice, high weeds and all

– Bran discovering kites in our garage during a clean-out ~ bringing in Spring!

We moved to the park for more running space

– Spring swimming

 – Styrofoam coffee cups and a note by the pool house door

– Papa\’s handyman help

I love it! Thank you, Papa!

– MMS Moms in Prayer, Lori faithfully leading our prayer groups all these years

– Esther home sick for a day, and she waited at the front door like this the last hour before Basden came home from school. Anxious for big sister to get home.

– Sweet Brantley celebrating 1 year!

– Esther getting to go to Tulsa with Daboo for Brantley\’s birthday party

Before the pie-eating contest in Bogan\’s Sunday School (of course Esther volunteered)
And off they go!

– Basden as \”Mrs. Stanbery\” for the day

– Mrs. Burlin and her baby girls

Basden say she wants to be a music teacher when she grows up

– Bran playing… catcher???!! Let\’s just say it was a jovial night at the ballpark

– Look who else is at catch… haven\’t seen Hud here in awhile, love watching him behind the plate

– Getting to have Mama and Papa at baseball games

– A walk with Skylar (and Hud on his bike) – her radiant heart

– Where he practices casting

When he saw me snapping a photo… caught one!

– 42 on opening night. Absolutely loved.

– When we turn off the tv, he turns to this

– Our Saturday evening with just Hud and Basden: perfect spring weather for dinner on the back patio – ribs for Hud – with a fire, music, and this lovely chandelier. Apples to Apples, s\’mores in the firepit, and last week\’s American Idol. An open afternoon and evening no schedule, just the four of us, restful and fun and easy.

– Basden\’s comment over s\’mores – \”My life would be miserable and boring without Bran and Esther.\”

 Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12