– Hud\’s turn ~ WYLDLIFE paint wars

These two AMAZING men. Kevin Libick – our church middle school youth leader, and Brad Deal – middle school teacher AND Wyldlife leader. So grateful for their investments in our kids – our own and in our community. (Incidentally, years ago Kevin was Brad\’s youth pastor as well!)

– A working dishwasher

– Room in the garage to park my humongous car

– Sleep overs

Basden & Harper finally got dibs on the pool house

– My thoughtful friend. Showed up at my front door with this YUMMY dinner.

I didn\’t know I needed the encouragement, but she knew.

– Love that Basden loves volleyball so much.


Everyone needs a fan club

– Paschal baseball

Bran\’s got his fan club, too
Tex & Essie ~ photo bomb

– A cloudy, cool morning on the back porch. Not having to leave the house first thing in the morning. A lingering morning at home – restores my soul.

– Bran’s hard work on a project last night, his freshman District track meet yesterday (!), placing in 4 different events. The kid hasn’t even gone to a practice yet this year, but he absolutely loved competing. 

– Found this after a morning \”spat\” once she\’d left for school. Melted me.

– That Essie gets him for a daddy.

Not sure who she loves more, tho – Bunny or Daddy??

– Our Saturdays.

– These two.

Tex and Essie ~ dream team

– Clinton and Constance’s baby due in Aug – another Seattle niece or nephew!

– Reed and how precious he is, that he’ll be staying here in May, that you crossed our paths. Such a great kid.

– Girly shopping day ~ thanks, Camille ~ such a treat!

– That someone I love so much needs encouragement with a pending surgery, diagnosis… and that You are able to provide that encouragement. 

 – This fiction book by Randy Alcorn, Safely Home. Persecution of Chinese Christians – yowzers. I truly don\’t think I\’\’ ever be the same. Intense. Amazing. Thought provoking.

Lord, You have the whole world in your hands.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12