– Salt Lake and Park City, UT with two of my favorite boys (missing the tall blonde one for sure). This college decision is going to be a difficult one for Hud

– At DFW, security took my suitcase and asked if I had anything \”sharp of dangerous.\” Once open, she said \”Oh it\’s your Bible. For some reason the pages set off our alarm.\” I considered that and simply responded, \”Well it describes itself as sharp,\” and she looked at me with a smirk, then a smile, and said, \”it absolutely does. Have a blessed day.\” Heb 4:12

my super cute uber

– Chrissie\’s help at work, her capability and creativity and flexibility. After literally leaving in tears Friday noon, Sat testing went well and she\’s jumping in while I\’m gone. Just couldn\’t sacrifice this Utah college visit for work but didn\’t know how it would all come together (still not quite sure – but it will!)

– Humongous pizza dinner with Harrison G at The Pie in SLC, great convo there and in condo

seriously a 23\” pizza

– Happily surprised by Marriott SummitWatch – can we come back soon??!

– Boys on the slopes in Park City

corbin and hud
hud and harrison

– Getting to spend a few hours at Atticus coffee house in Park City, which has been a soft place to land  several times for me now. Yummy tea (and I\’m not a tea fan), people watching, creative atmosphere

– Our adventurous, all-night travel home (plan A did not have us going through Vegas, or on Delta)

hud AND corbin trying to get some shut-eye

– Joy\’s faith-building prayer at school on Valentine\’s day, her friend\’s heart

– Our kids have an army in the grandmas – both of them. But one in particular might be more of an army at baseball games…

from \”my grandmother asked me to tell you she\’s sorry\” by F. Backman

– Nan\’s personalized notecards. An unexpected gift, and a friend who ACTS on her thoughtfulness

– More baseball love that catcher #12

– There4 Conference

– SO much to celebrate here! John\’s baseball offer to OK Wesleyan – praise God for His going before us!

– Medicine Ball 2020. I love seeing Corbin in his element, many of his \”work\” friends are already our good friends. Amazing people with amazing talents and minds.

we may have had more excitement on our El Salvador bus rides
such great women and friends
getting to wear Mama\’s mink
good friends since birth

 – Practicing with Essie before her first-ever softball game

– Look who! Lauren and Tanner and little Lyla\’s weekend visit, such a highlight to be with them

 – Happy birthday Daboo!

– Essie really enjoying her drawing class

– 8th grade Disney trip

travel buddies! made the trip so fun

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12