Even after our crazy Snowmagedden week, we pushed through to host 14 girls for the There{4} Conference in our home. With our power barely back on, a city water boil order, frozen and cracked pool pump equipment, non-functioning refrigerator, and a couple busted pipes still to come, it was for sure the BEST DECISION. What an opportunity to gather a great group of girls, great teaching, great conversations and fellowship with some other mommas as well. 
Fri night dinner before the first session

JUST as the girls were arriving, Corbin heard water and we experienced our first (of two) pipes bursting. I didn’t get pics of the front entry and guest bath, but we attacked the flooding there as well as our master closet and bath while Basden and Essie served Cane’s dinner 

From conference call to custodian with superhuman speed
Kim immediately ran over from next door to help and offered her bathrooms if we ended up without water for the weekend – she and her daughter were already joining us for the conference. Corbin had run over late the night before to help the Cooks with a busted pipe mess!
How’d all that water come through that small hole

Literally within minutes we were provided TWO wet vacs (don’t ask me why we have two – one never even used), Corbin home and knowing exactly how to turn off our water at the street, a plumber on site and ready to work late so that we\’d have water for all these girls all weekend…

Basden and Essie took responsibility for sending out the invites, setting up a candy bar, and decorating the space with the “Abide” theme – John 15 (which makes us all think of Cappy)
Never before last weekend has it been more evident that we have a Mary and a Martha in Basden and Essie. We need both! 
Our new wooden wall birds. I love them so much. Grateful to Corbin for getting them (SugarBoo) and hanging them perfectly in our entry. I really hoped for some whimsical in decorating this home and these feel right

Her hairstyling creativity always brings me joy

Sitting in the chapel at Converge last week, listening to Ryan shepherding the service, I was so touched by the privilege of being a part of this unfolding ministry for 25 years now. Ryan was a TCU kid when we first started at CCBC. 
My parents have the greatest community! This chinook landed in their neighborhood last week filled with cases of water. The residents (most all volunteer firefighters) unloaded them onto trailers and then dispersed them to families and homes within their community
Cappy has some AMAZING stories from flying these in his Marine days

That Basden gets to be part of SLT. That she wants to and gets to spending her Saturday today with middle school students helping teach a Biblical view of dating and relationships

Our home with just girls in this season

Corbin surprised me with this perfume when I found out I was expecting our first baby. He spent an hour at Neiman’s smelling a zillion scents before he picked this one. He then had it delivered along with flowers to where I was working at Freese and Nichols. He continues to provide new bottles when he sees mine is about empty, it’s all I’ve worn since I’ve been a mom
A sunny friend and a sunny walk helped thaw body and heart from last week’s freeze

No small thing that we get Seth Higgins teaching Bible and leading chapels at SCS

Monday’s 14-0 win led to Tuesday’s 6-3 win for an Area Championship!

Basden’s first time on the field in a game after her concussion recovery since last Nov

BU roomie FT

Yesterday’s 2-1 win over Brook Hill school in Tyler – SCS girls are now in the State championship! (4 remaining teams) 

After last week’s post, I’ve seen evidence of at least one major reason why our girls are playing SCS soccer. New friends!
15 years, same friends, same sweater (thanks Sarah and Kellie for pointing this out!) As we were making fun of him, Corbin’s response, “Haha. Y’all are so funny. Why would I get rid of a 100% cashmere sweater that still works great?” And thank you Paulette for the sweater! 

Almost home from my after-work evening walk

I am loving these new canvas photos! We’ve had these empty art niches in our home for two years and just now filling them with special things as we happen to find them. These openings are rather large so it took awhile to figure out what to put there. Ordered through Groupon on Picture It Custom. A deal – and darling!

These cards from Lola Lorena, a sweet friend’s gift, have been a fantastic way to pray while I walk – a tool for praising God for who he is. I needed something different than my own rambling thoughts this week, something different than a podcast. These cards had been sitting on my desk for about a year, but now is when I needed them. Thank you Alison and Yvette! 

“Way Maker”

Even when I don’t see it you’re working

Even when I don’t feel it you’re working


Hud’s phone call, made my month
Sister phone calls
Es coming downstairs with her baton! Love it! 

Prov 12:26 A righteous man is cautious in friendship. Continuing to learn to shift my expectations of people, which actually brings freedom to both parties

C eating healthy so consistently, really proud of him

Prov 10:12 – A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue. I’m reminded this week how much I absolutely hate gossip, and that it fosters distrust. Even so I know I still fall into it from time to time. Lord! Help me to remember how unattractive it is and that I want no part of disparaging others. Help me to be so aware as I speak. 
So excited about these – hand-painted playing cards ~ Auburn and Baylor
Corbin back at Dillard’s clearance this weekend, because they\’re continuing their President’s day sale because of crummy weather. He found more Mizzen+Main look-alike (actually feel-alike) shirts. Sticker price $115, and he got BOTH for less than $20. C in his absolute element finding a major bargain. 

Essie continues to redecorate…


Amazing (and kind of incomprehensible) to think Lord that you can fill me in every way:

“The key to mortifying fleshly lusts is to eliminate the emptiness within me and replace it with fullness; and I accomplish this by feasting on the gospel. It is in the gospel that I experience a God who glorifies himself by filling me with His fullness. He is the One, Paul says, who fills all in all.” – (Eph 1:22 – the fullness of him, who fills everything in every way). – Gospel Primer


That my grief is still a mystery (why I’m holding on to things long gone), but Lord you are walking me through it


Going a week without sitting down to quietly spend time with you, Lord, how good it feels to be back in the saddle this morning. 



This may have been the very very best part of last week. Last Saturday morning, after Corbin helped host dinner Friday night and then breakfast for There{4}, he asked me if he could come up during a break and talk with the girls about dating and relationships from a guy’s perspective. We did not warn our daughters! But I loved what he had to share, I love that he took the time to sit down and formulate his thoughts, and I love that he had the courage and desire to do it. And even though they squirmed a bit when he walked in, I could tell our girls were proud of him. 


Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12