Basden at Orange Beach for the weekend with seven Auburn friends
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In-town sleepover at Sanders with Wolfes. Krista’s over-the-top hospitality, deep talks and deep laughter. Decades-old friends providing decades-old comfort and friendship. And it was susch a fun idea!!
Sunday evening outside by the fire. Fills my heart.
A few more weeks with Becca here
“Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Jesus speaking to disciples)- Matt 17:20
It is possible to daily “cast all your anxiety on him” and experience deep peace in the process.
It is possible to have our thoughts and the desires of our hearts purified.
It is possible to see God’s will in every circumstance and to accept it with singing instead of complaining.
It is possible to become strong through and through by completely taking refuge in the power of God and realizing that our greatest weakness and the things that upset our determination to be patient, pure, or humble provide an opportunity to make sin powerless over us. He loves us and works to bring us into agreement with his will. – Streams in the Desert
Daboo’s Birthday lunch, Essie sharing baseball pics with her
Phone calls with mom, she can handle all my details
Sweetness of encouragement
John 15 – what God does for us (thank you, Krista)
Missing Basden. She’s good, I just miss her.
Corbin’s tulips
Praying Hud through a test week. His decision to delay MCAT, take a gap year after undergrad, makes me breathe a little easier for him.
Will be fun to see how you provide, Lord
First highlights. And that dimple.
A day in the life… getting to see these kiddos in the middle of a work day
Winter walks
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will do it.” Ps 37:5
Essie driving herself to Waco for a couple of days for an SCS baseball tournament. Extra grateful for baseball mommas taking her in. Fitting in time with BU friends, staying with Becca and roomies, and getting to see Sing ~ I do fee like she’s 16 going on 22.
Covering games both away and at home…. and track meets
Precious friends -SO grateful
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Mystery Dinner #3 last night – AMAZING. Davenports, Davis, O’neal, Anderson. Just precious people
- Chris Davis’ comment – I would have never guessed, watching Dallas with my mom as a little boy in England, that I’d end up in Texas with a daughter who rides horses and a son who bow hunts… only God can connect those dots and make that happen.” Incredible.
Basden in Winter Park for Buell wedding – what a sweet weekend with amazing families for her
Mama and Papa here for a couple of weeks
Snapshots from Auburn
Cappy and Daboo in Alpharetta with Brenna for grandparents’ day
BU dinner for Keisters award
BU bball game with O’neals – beat Texas
If you are God’s child, the life force that energizes your thoughts, desires, words and actions is no longer you – it’s Christ! God came to live inside of you so that you have the power and desire to do what he calls you to do. He rules all the situations, locations and relationships that are out of your control. He is your indwelling Savior and your reigning King. He does in you what you could not do for yourself, and he does outside of you what you have no power or authority to do. – Paul Tripp
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chron 16:11-12