– Watching Harriett Tubman movie as a family, important film

– Time in park across the street with Corbin and kids, gorgeous Saturday for frisbee golf, Hud helping Essie with softball hitting and throwing (and a bloody nose?!)

– Tanner and Lauren here with Lyla, loved our time with them- such a quality couple and easy to be with

– Medicine Ball and Corbin taking a couple hours off of work to help me shop for a dress

– Mama\’s mink

– Bran\’s new job and taking an acai bowl to his KOT sweetheart

– A few good friends

– Joy\’s convo with her friend Helen, new Bible, her faith growing as she shares it

– Essie\’s artistry (she took the pic then drew it)

– C singlehandedly making dinner for HSM leaders

– Essie opening up to me, we can\’t help unless she shares

– Celebrating Daboo\’s happy birthday at Joe T\’s

– From Waiting to Believing

\”As long as you are waiting, hoping or looking, you are not believing. You may have hope or an earnest desire, but that is not faith, for faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.\” Heb 11:1 (Streams)
\”Whatever you have asked for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.\” Mark 11:24
True faith relies on God and believes before seeing.

– The path to forgiveness, the power of forgiveness

– WHAT IF he didn\’t write down his thoughts?

– C (continuing to) live with me in an understanding way

– There4 conference with girls and Sanders, Essie taking copious notes

– Tremendous support for Keister family through Abby\’s crazy sickness, still figuring things out after ten days in the hospital, comforting to see how loved they are, how much this family impacts others

– Marathons (and I don\’t mean the running kind)

– That your comfort, Lord, meets us in the pain – and You are greater

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12