– Bran’s family birthday dinner- happy 23rd!
– Paul Tripp – “You don’t have to be anxious about the future. A God of grace has invaded your life, and he always completes what he starts.”
“It’s hard to look at the future and feel secure, because the future is simply out of our hands.
Our rest is in the person who holds our individual futures in his wise and gracious hands. We have peace because we know that he will complete the good things that he in grace initiated in our lives. He is faithful, so he never leaves the work of his hands.
He knows, he cares, and he will complete the job he began.”
– And I am sure of this, he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Phil 1:6
– Last basketball game – next up senior year cheer for Essie
– Essie’s SCS baseball hype video
– See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Is 43:19. Last night while driving to get Essie, I was rehearsing this verse in my mind, and the song playing was literally that Scripture, I’ve never heard it before. I hear you, Lord
– Both Hud and Basden’s heavy test weeks over
– Feeling the love at work with Valentines right around the corner
– Essie – car debacle yesterday on I35 on her way to ACT prep class (!!), that she’s safe- and strong – Corbin racing from work to get to her AND got her to ACT class on time. Corbin taking her car to a jeep dealership then ubering back to his… what an evening. Thank you for Corbin’s wisdom and creativity in caring for her
– Jeff’s birthday dinner at Don Artemio’s – wow!
– Elvia
– Becca here this spring, just so easy
– That you will meet me in sadness, in biggies or in the details
– Mystery Dinner #2 – McCutchen, Bullinger, Hotchkiss
And…. these friends know me
Lisa’s chronicling my birthday letters – 28th, 30th, 40th and now 50th. Pretty meaningful.
– BeReal, getting to see kids’ pics almost daily – Cross and Ruby making some special appearances
– Working from home yesterday! SCS power was out following a storm, we all got to leave at 10am – got SO much done from home
– Night in last night
– Good to see some sunshine after a dreary winter week
– Corbin’s Saturday morning breakfast tacos with Becca and Lawson – after a late Friday night catchup in the kitchen
– Essie driving herself to Dallas for freezing cold baseball games Friday night and then Saturday immediately following the ACT, she is committed to promoting this team
– Celebrating a FULL week of ACT prep and tests
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chron 16:11-12