– These eyes. They’re not from me or from her daddy. Just an over-the-top gift.
– Boxing gloves
– Oh goodness – how we love Mrs. Warner! She not only teaches Basden to play piano, but she brings out such sweetness in her.
– Michelle\’s email
– Friends who remember. A birthday’s a birthday, no matter the age.
– Atlee’s ten years… a golden friend for Basden
– That amidst mounds of dirt, boulders, gravel and mud, there’s a POOL in our yard!
– An Augustine quote shared from a friend just last night, “I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write.”
– Tears in my kitchen sink – feeling pain for a dear friend\’s pain
– These two, inseparable and too funny
– Yummy potato soup that everyone loves (and that\’s easy to make!)
– That our home opens the door for us to a great public school
– Hudson’s “1st Annual” trip to the coast – ha!
– Two episodes of “World’s Strictest Parents” with Bran over the weekend, sequestered to watching on our bed with popcorn and a laptop because there’s no furniture or TV downstairs
– Jordan
– Toasted chocolate chip bagels with butter
– My awesome Christmas decor. Seriously. Learning some great lessons.
– Aunt Francine\’s Texas Kiss Almond brittle… makes it seem a little more like Christmas
– Fourteen and counting. These kiddos will ALL inhabit Mom and Dad\’s home next week – who hoo! And – even more incredible… these stockings are in age order, and all four of mine are at the top. That means there are TEN younger than Esther. Who wants to come and spend Christmas with us??!
– Christmas cards from near and far – amazing people who have shaped Corbin and me over the years. Grateful!
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-12