– Love notes she tapes on my desk
– Watching Basden rest her head on Papa\’s shoulder in church
– A mouthful of stitches and capable docs and professionals to take care of Hud
– Strong, healthy teeth that remained in tact
– First one tooth, then the next… and now both top are loose. This one a little more difficult to be grateful for… not ready for her to grow up.
– Lots of hands gathered for dinner. Even better when those hands encircle Cousins BBQ
– Tim Tebow\’s book, Through My Eyes, and how it captivated Bran
– Corbin\’s morning workouts (thank you, Jerry!!)
– New leashes. We can finally walk the pups. Feel like someone just taught me how to get my newborn to sleep through the night
– Max Anders\’ writing
– Bran vacuuming the pool house without being asked
– The reminder that newborns bring of the precious value of LIFE. And these boys are precious!
– that Father, you will use for good the struggles my loved ones face
– This little darling. Also grateful for her mommy and daddy\’s outrageous creativity displayed in their new home
– Latrice and her shopping expertise (and a new rug)
– Nursing homes and voice recorders
– Papa and Doug, better (and cheaper) than the experts
– Three and a half years… OVER. The Lord\’s new mercies, forgiving hearts, hope that doesn\’t disappoint, and a new start
– Our new favorite thing to do together
– Solar plants south of San Antonio
– That the battles are not ours, but YOURS, Lord (that I put my hope in you, and you act on my behalf)
– Bunch of boys and pizza and poker… believe it or not, thrills this mom\’s heart
– Rice crispy treats – and that cutie who loves them
– Corbin\’s calm presence
– David\’s shoes found and our faith increased
– That You live in me so that I can love with your love
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-12