– Corbin Wilson making breakfast for the telerads he gets to work with. What makes this picture extra-amazing. 1 – It’s taken at 6am. 2 – Corbin made the homemade green-chili egg casseroles and cheese cream danishes late last night after work, Essie’s soccer game, and family dinner out. With a joyful attitude. 3 – He didn’t know until after getting home from grocery store (after said activities) that I had given away not one, but BOTH of our electric griddles during our move. 4 – He’s making all of this without eating any because he’s choosing to eat so healthy right now. 5 – This will all happen again at 6p this evening.
Further evidence I married up.

– Coffee and Steel City with Heather and her girls – what a bright spot
– Pedi with KDS – another bright spot!

–  a FULL week at work but really enjoyable, the privilege of working with upbeat, joyful, hardworking people

– My view walking in from lunch

– Hud’s college choice trajectory shifting, and his excitement about it

– A really precious few weeks over Christmas. You gave us so much in our time together, Lord. And with Bran home our house filled with sweet people, especially enjoyed that

– Daboo’s discovery after all the grandkids left

– Mark F, Greg L, Graham, Connor, Will B (surprise!), Cappy and Papa, Brian J, Jeromy, Dale… you are in demonstrating pursuit, Lord, and you are using your best. Over and above what I would imagine

– With all the construction starting, THIS was the year to splurge on a parking place. Smart thinking Corbin!

– Lunch at Cousin’s with mom and dad, just the three of us, really touched by their love for our family and the way they are navigating life and relationships in such a faithful way

– Cindy G’s quiet joy and faithfulness

– More Tenzi, a few stolen minutes together

– Gen 8:1 – “The waters flooded the earth for 150 days. But God remembered Noah and his family…” After all the crazy chaos the world had never experienced before, God remembered Noah and his family. He saved them, prepared a dry place for them. God remembers us not just after the chaos, but IN the chaos, when all we see is what seems to be a never-ending flood. He prepares a way for us.

– Watching Essie play soccer, trying something new. Also seeing her propensity for drawing so quickly after only two days of her new school art class

– Essie’s tears after her game last night, and when I asked why, it was because she was pulled during second half with her big brother there watching

– Allen Levi’s music, grateful for his hard work that allows us to soak in his artwork

– George Winston pandora channel

– My “word” from waiting to struggling to expectant

– Already looking forward to our James family Thanksgiving vacay at the beach, and for sisters-in-love organizing it

– Job 2:10 – Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?

– Job 5:17-18 – Blessed is the man whom God corrects, so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up; He injures, but his hands also heal.

– Hud getting to experience a Sigma weekend at Sky Ranch with friends and counselors

– Cappy and Daboo’s lake house make for great memories

– Bran headed back to Waco, You going before him, I miss him already

The priceless gift of a good Coach

– Friday mornings at HOME

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12