Scripture describes itself as living and active. And it is. I’ve seen it, experienced it.
But I’m reminded tonight that many words are living and active, that it’s not just the Bible that can touch and convict and encourage, in different ways, in different seasons.

Any good work of fiction is alive – transporting us to Narnia or Tarabithia or Maycomb. I love words, the power of them all strung together in just the right way, and how they can touch us at once, then be just what we need months or years later again.

I read this post on Ann Voskamp’s blog a over a year ago, and loved it. Bookmarked it. And tonight, searching for a list of must-read books for boys, I came across these words again, under her title of “Figuring Out How to Parent Teenagers.”

Parenting isn’t so much about instructing people as it is about invitation into Presence.

For only the Spirit of God can take a child and shape him into a whole and holy person. My parenting cannot do this work. I forget this. I realize parenting is complicated with seasons necessitating instruction, admonition, intervention… but I wonder –

Is my work as a parent less about directing and more about being a friend who’s a spiritual director?

It’s our tender love that woos them back to His.

I needed that. Needed Ann’s words, written perhaps when she felt like a failure (?), when she wasn’t sure of the next step? Tender love. Grace. Wooing our sons and daughters to their Savior. That resonates in my heart, calms me tonight. Grateful for living, active words.