The following is an essay Hudson wrote for a school assignment earlier this year. I posted Branson’s “Where I’m From” last week, and wanted to share Hud’s here as well. Love his words.

Where I’m From

Hudson James Wilson

I am from ping pong, from pool basketball, and gaga.
I am from the pillows, blankets, and soft carpet in the pool house.
I am from the slackline, and the big magnolia, the odd circle of dead grass, and leaf piles in my front yard.
I am from Ross Purdy, and Chris Wolfe cracking jokes, and telling me to “suffer quietly” while pinching me. I am from Paul Gerrish giving me Idaho horse bites, and the excitement of snowmobiling in Chama.
I am from spending Christmas in New Mexico, and Thanksgiving at Bourland. I am from my middle name, and the Lodge, and Cappy’s plane.
I am from Yukon, Cross and Ruby. I am from TCU baseball, and Tanglewood Elementary.
I am from “Feed the dogs” and “It’s alright.”
I am from a strong Christian belief, and Ryan to Kevin.
I am from Daboo’s hamburger stroganoff, and my mom’s breakfast casserole, I am from November, and dark skin.
I am from Basden’s blue eyes that match Yukon’s, the shaking hands of Mama drinking wine through a neon straw, to the steady hands of Papa nailing wood to make a raft.
I am from the family that comforts me, and the good family reunions celebrated twice a year. I am from the James and Wilsons that I call my family.