“Good morning from Denver, fam” – me

“Y’all really are taking advantage of this whole empty nester thing” – Basden

Um, yes. It’s been a special couple of weeks. A few months ago, our friends Todd and Jessica asked if I wanted to join them on a week-long trip to Bozeman in early October. Todd would be joining a few guys to elk hunt, with room for Jess and me on the plane, and we could jump in and spend the week with my brother’s family. Took about two seconds to agree with a hearty YESSSS.

And in fact, if I was coming to Little Rock anyway for the flight, how about I come a few days early and help with the annual Arkansas Student Leadership Forum (ASLF) that Jessica oversees – well sure, why not?! What fun to spend a few days with college students, and also get to be part of this forum that I’ve watched her arrange from afar for the past 15 years.

And then, since I will have spent about ten days away from Corbin (I mean, someone has to stay home and work to pay for all of this adventure – except that he’s actually been in Indiana with work and also squeezed in a guy’s fishing trip with Branson), how about I meet Corbin in Denver for several days while he’s at a work conference.

Oh and Esther has decided to fly home from Auburn for fall break with a couple of friends during that time – oh well we’ll figure it out!

It’s worth highlighting a bit of this adventure, lots of gems packed into the past couple of weeks.

Simply getting to Little Rock is a gift – the best people!! And Jess went out of her way to make sure I got to see some sweet friends.


Arkansas Student Leadership Forum – oh my word. College students from across the state of Arkansas are nominated by their colleges and universities to attend this secular forum based on the leadership of Jesus. Yes, you read that right. Secular in nature, but singularly focused on the words and works of Jesus as a model for leadership.

Justin Earley served as the main speaker, incredibly effective for so many reasons: his story, his presentation, sharing his personal journey to health with both vulnerability and strength. But more than any of that, Justin brought everything back to the person and practices of Jesus. Throughout his talks, Q&A, conversations with the students, he pointed everything back to not religiosity, not even his personal faith, but the leadership of Jesus. Jessica brought Justin to Little Rock a couple of years ago to speak at the Arkansas Prayer Breakfast, and at that time shared one of his books with me, The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction. I hope to review this book here soon, as some of those practices have become beloved, helpful habits. He’s published several other books, is working on more, his social media offers great insights with regards to personal habits, and I sure hope that in addition to his legal daytime job he keeps writing and speaking.

It was a joy to meet Justin, and get to know the (amazing! fun!) team that puts on this unique forum, but I absolutely fell in love with some of these college students.


On to Bozeman. Easy easy to love this mountain town with it’s scenic views and crisp fall weather –  even easier to love our family who live here. Christian and Crystal’s home, hospitality, four daughters, all of it was literally a breath of fresh air. Down time with Jessica, getting to hike and eat and shop, all the while jumping into Christian and Crystal’s lives with volleyball games and meals and meeting their friends, our time was just a dream.


And now Denver – quiet spots in the hotel while Corbin attends his conference, dinner with Clinton and Constance and their kiddos in Longmont (we didn’t get a pic! Boo!), time with dear friends Paul and Allison Gerrish and fam in their home (goodness we miss them). Difficult to capture all of the gifts.

My friend Cammi texted a few days ago, “How’s empty nesting?”

“Not sure,” I responded. I haven’t been home long enough to know.”

“Well actually you do! Hopping from one thing to the next!! It’s fabulous!”

My little brother Christian snapped these pics of Jessica and I laughing by the river, we were trying to pose and got so tickled ~ THIS is how I feel about all this hopping around. 

Thank you, Lord, for your beautiful people and beautiful places I’ve gotten to experience these past couple of weeks. Such unexpected  encouragement rubbing elbows with friends and family and new friends. Full, grateful heart.