Months ago when our SCS Homecoming date was released, we cleared all the kids’ calendars and bought plane tickets to get them home. After 17 years in the stands cheering on her older siblings, the big kids showed up to support Essie in her senior Hoco pep rally and game. No easy task getting this pic! SCS sure is a special spot to gather this crew.

Truly, Homecoming.

Such a fun gift to be on Hoco court! Mama P and Coach S take the whole crew out of school for a day of pictures, videos and lunch – such a treat


Late Wednesday night – all her ducks in a row for the next few days

Thurs night pep rally ~ Bran just flew in from Vancouver, Mama and Papa flew in from Taos, Bran picked them up in Dallas and drove straight in, arriving just moments after the start. The Homecoming cheer routine incorporated all of the high school and middle school teams – 50+ cheerleaders


Julie added a few surprises to her mum – mini-cameras that actually flashed (!) and silver paw prints for Cross and Ruby

Friday night game – Hud and Basden flew in from Auburn, Todd Brogdon picked them up on his way in (!) and drive them straight to the game. Essie escorted by Zachary Rodgers


Saturday night dance – Lucas was a trooper with all the pics

Meanwhile, Hud left late Friday night for College Station to be at the Auburn/ A&M game Sat morning, then met up with Bran and Basden Sat evening in Waco at the Baylor / UT game. Whew.

Never easy saying goodbye, but grateful for every moment!