A few years ago I hired a young graphic designer for help with updating and possibly renaming this blog. “What do you like to write about?” she asked. “Oh, really just personal narratives, stories about daily life and marriage and parenting, more than anything this is...
Sharing the Love, Sourdough Style
This photo was my morning text from Basden. She is having a ball with her baking. Papa, Corbin’s dad, got her hooked, as he’s been baking sourdough loaves and crackers and English muffins for several years now. Basden took some of Papa's starter from his Angel Fire...
Podcast up ~ Nowhere Close to Famous with Josh and Brooke
If you have some time walking or driving, or doing laundry like my friend Kathryn, take a listen to this Episode 1, Season 4 of Nowhere Close to Famous. The evening spent recording with Josh Storie and Brooke Seale was a real treat for me. They are genuinely funny -...
Radical Hospitality
Hospitality can be defined as “Love to strangers.” It’s the practice of welcoming, feeding, and sheltering travelers - those who come to your door - with no thought of personal gain. The following is one woman’s story of the surprising joy she experienced from simply...
Decking the Halls ~ Korean Style
"You will never believe my afternoon," I told Corbin one evening a couple of weeks ago. He raised an eyebrow and continued making lunches as I cleaned the dinner dishes and ushered kids upstairs for bed. It had been a looonnnng day, and even with the bizarre proposal...