-Yet another family portrait... a priceless one at that -This legacy that Papa\'s building... love, love, love and WHIPPED CREAM- Star Blazers, a new bond for Hud & Daddy- Pretty eyes, pretty hearts- That your presence, Lord, in the present is an endless source of...
Practicing Gratitude… 1.25.12
- Love notes she tapes on my desk- Watching Basden rest her head on Papa\'s shoulder in church - A mouthful of stitches and capable docs and professionals to take care of Hud - Strong, healthy teeth that remained in tact- First one tooth, then the next... and now both...
Practicing Gratitude… 1.09.11
- little girls in foam curlers (oh my gosh)- Rainy Mondays- Sacrificial husbands- Tina and her camera- Corbin taking Bran & Hud for a (quick) trip to the mountainsBran, Foster and Hudson. I remember dreaming with Mama and Auntie Cam about the day they would grow...
Practicing Gratitude… 12.31.11
- Cappy & Daboo\'s full house for Christmas (almost full, anyway - missing our Atlanta crew!) - That Christmastime can make even veggies a special treat- Aunt Julie\'s creativity in merging James traditions... great job, Julie. You make Christmas FUN. - Cousin...
Practicing Gratitude… 12.21.11
- Amy\'s LIFE. We\'ll never know. - Being reminded of this... There is no greater measure of my work as a woman than the extent to which I serve as the heart of my home. - Nancy Leigh DeMoss- December 15 - happy happy birthday Dad! So glad you were born!- December 17...
Practicing Gratitude… 12.12.11
- These eyes. They’re not from me or from her daddy. Just an over-the-top gift. - Boxing gloves- Oh goodness - how we love Mrs. Warner! She not only teaches Basden to play piano, but she brings out such sweetness in her. - Michelle\'s email- Friends who remember. A...
Practicing Gratitude… 12.05.11
- Hand prints in wet concrete, evidence of those precious souls who inhabit this home - Psalm 1, timelines, and a bag of apples - That Adventures in Odessey has the power to draw in my (no longer) reluctant tween - From Essie, \"I just love you so much, I could kiss...
Practicing Gratitude… 11.28.11
- Creative Mama - Cooking in Mama\'s kitchen, with people who can really cook - Uncle Alan\'s turkey - Bran and Hud\'s \"man cave\" in the suburban - That the piano never sat silent - Our Christmas gift from Benjamins - These awesome yellow things... transformed ice...
Practicing Gratitude… 11.21.11
- Our brand-new little cousin, Brenna Christian, born 11.11.11. She\'s the youngest of four - all 4 years and younger! Thankful for a new (beautiful!) James gal. - A friend\'s reminder, \"Love is the willingness to give to the other person what I have that they need,...
Practicing Gratitude… 10.31.11
- Esther wearing her great-grandmother Esther\'s dress, which the original Esther sewed herself - This very special mustard... - My guy who\'s as awesome as the one on the book cover- Tulsa time... rule follower colliding with free spirit- Being anticipated - That...
Practicing Gratitude… 10.24.11
- Those Rangers... and those players who make up the team.- Celebrating the first World Series game (even with a loss) - Dr. Nelms\' generosity- Napoli\'s 3-run homer (C\'m on! It\'s the World Series!)- Nowhere else we\'d rather be- Josh Hamilton, and this book we...
Practicing Gratitude… 10.17.11 (and a few words from Cappy)
I have saved files and files of my Dad's wisdom and reflection - communicated both through handwritten letters and emails. Maybe one day I'll put them in a book. What I love about this particular email from last week is his "happiness is a choice" quote - very likely...
Practicing Gratitude… 10.04.11
- Sunday nights, all just showing up - #12 with an interception and a black jersey - Moments with Mama - Chris and Sarah, their commitment and sacrifice - God\'s true word that doesn't change, doesn't waver, doesn't shift - Thursday mornings in Lori's home - How much...
Practicing Gratitude… 9.19.11
- $25 Lawn Care- Sprouts- Rain clouds- First Cotillion (boy, does this bring back memories... his first surprise was that Bruce Lea was not Bruce Lee, and second that it\'s only once a month)- Waiver (no school) days- Large Sonic coke zero- Anticipating 3:00 - TRIPLE...
Practicing Gratitude… 9.6.11
- Turning a new calendar page - Struggling with sending our youngest to school... the gratitude that comes when it\'s ONLY that - Continued construction... so fun to see the progress - THIS in our driveway Last weekend during some Sat morn chores, I asked Hudson if he...
Practicing Gratitude… 8.30.11
389. Dog crates... duh! Exactly one hour and six minutes after this... our beloved pups had new homes. Making them more beloved. 390. Celebrating precious Foster\'s first decade. What zeal he brings to this world.391. A kind husband. He shows such kindness to me, our...
Practicing Gratitude… 8.16.11
355. All six of us back together - and a great week at camp for kids356. Hudson\'s \"James Bond\" award, with the bee stings to show for it357. Great counselors 358. Our new principal for 6th grade359. Confirmations for our school year - you are so kind, Lord, in the...
Practicing Gratitude… 8.10.11
340. Celebrating fifteen years this week (!!)341. Essie\'s generous and constant \"I Love You\'s\"342. Getting to indulge in The Mountain Between Us - one of my fav fiction ever!343. The privilege of watching our children enjoy the beach, entertainment that suits all...
Practicing Gratitude… 7.25.1
317. Bogan and Broderick in Fort Worth - and Aunt Julie, of course!318. An evening with Paul & Allison, soon-to-be newlyweds... Esther had Allison fully \"decorated\" 319. Idaho horse bites (don\'t know if Bran will ever be thankful for those)320. Celebrating...
Practicing Gratitude… 7.12.11
300. Her smile... her spirit... and getting to have her in our home for a full week 301. Basden getting a part in a church musical - even as a weed dandelion (thank goodness!)302. Reading Heaven is for Real aloud as a family303. Not setting my alarm all week (thanks,...
Practicing Gratitude… 7.4.11
282. Summertime in the mountains283. Sipping hot coffee on the porch during afternoon thunder showers284. Choosing to sit outside in the sun because the shade is too cool 285. Wearing a fleece in July286. Getting to meet finally meet sweet Pate - 3 mos 287. Angel...
Practicing Gratitude… 6.27.11
251. Deep love of cousins for each other... even when they both want to be the alpha 252. All that my children learn during their time at Papa\'s Mountains253. Scott Walker\'s life254. Young Marrieds class at Trinity Chapel255. Celebrating this dad on Father\'s...
What I’m Learning This Week
- Never underestimate a pink-plastic-high-heel-wearing two-year-old with an enormous planter of dirt - Rhinestone necklaces and high heels and taking a break to teach ballet are critical elements for a family bike ride - No such thing as enough photos of my girls with...
A Day in the Life
"Mom! Where's my hat?" "What? Your hat? You don't have your hat?" Standing in our doorway, I glanced at Branson climbing into the backseat of my mom's car. My thoughts spiraled and tumbled with the possible hiding place of the black Pirate's ball cap. The one with the...
Wednesday Wonder – Health!
Ok, short post today... No specific person I'm bragging on, but instead praising God for HEALTH. We've had a week and 1/2 of high fevers and all that accompanies them, keeping the kids home (and should have kept Corbin home) from school. The flu? Who knows, just glad...