We’re anticipating celebrating Hudson’s high school graduation in a couple of weeks. Ceremony plans have been a moving target with Covid, but we’re hoping to celebrate this SCS Class of 2020 officially with actual caps and gowns. And tassels. 
A couple of months ago in a small declaration of celebration, we hung Hud’s cap and tassel by our staircase along with a growing display of friends’ graduation cards. It’s a visible reminder of this life marker for our son, pivoting from childhood to adulthood with the completion of high school and moving across the country to attend college. 
Meantime, thanks to the Bible Recap, I’ve been reading through the Old Testament this year. So as I’m walking past Hudson’s blue tassel multiple times a day, imagine my surprise when smack dab in the middle of Numbers the Bible speaks of blue tassels:

The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by chasing after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes. Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God.’” Numbers 15:37-41

Blue tassels on garments – “so you will remember all the commands of the Lord.”
Turns out I’m not the only one who needs constant reminders. God was presenting to the Israelites a new way of living, no longer as slaves in Egypt but instead as His chosen people, His “treasured possession.” These tassels were worn by the Israelites on their cloaks as a reminder of their relationship with God. 
In 2020, is it worthwhile to attach tassels to our clothing, and if so what does that look like? 
I suppose we could do it, we could actually place a blue tassel somewhere as a reminder – attached to a keychain, roped around the strap of a purse, looped around a rear view mirror… something visible. But maybe our blue tassels are less about the visible symbolism and more about our patterns and routines and habits.
Daily Bible reading. Investing in honest, God-fearing friendships. Practicing creativity in the way God uniquely calls us. Diligence to follow his commands even when it looks different from that of our culture’s. Discerning wisely the music, books, and media that fills our hearts and minds. 
Without question, I need tassels. 
I so relate to the grumbling, fearful Israelites. When we read their story now, it’s easy to look down on them as wandering, complaining idiots who constantly turned away from God. But as for me, even with the ZILLION TIMES God has displayed his faithfulness in personal ways to me, I often default to fear, to doubt, to self-criticism. 
I desperately need daily (hourly!) reminders of the importance of obeying God, along with the truth that I am His treasured possession.
Some life-giving tassels:
– Engaging with his Word, sometimes for an extended period of time but often simply
– Family, good friends – Stopping to actually engage face to face, a walk, a conversation, a quick text, healing laughter, touch points that provide community
– The right song at the right time 
– Really great books, great stories
– Creative expression. Music, singing, painting, drawing, anything that involves creating… God designed each of us to uniquely express ourselves. For me, this means taking the time to write. Prioritizing these things, even when they feel superfluous.

Yes, He’s in control. Yes, he can understand discouragement and fear. Yes, he offers a way through that to encouragement and trust  – through His ways, his word, his truth, his people. If there was ever a time to turn to God, to obey Him, to be reminded that we are his treasured people, to support our amazing country and the freedoms we get to enjoy – no longer slaves – this is a time for tassels. 

We look forward to a graduation celebration in a couple of weeks, but I\’m touched by God’s humor in putting this BLUE TASSEL in front of me for the past couple of months. If you see it hanging in my kitchen in the days and months ahead, you’ll know it has less to do with Hudson and the class of 2020 and more to do with a personal nod from the Lord of his provision, his love, his grace.
“Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, God has chosen you to be his treasured possession.” Deut 14:2