
Hello! I’m TJ Wilson. I grew up in Fort Worth as Tonya James, but heading into college it seemed to make sense to go by TJ. My husband immediately identifies the timeline of people in my life based on what name they call me. Since I was a little girl, writing has helped me process my faith and frame what I’m learning. Some of that writing is here for you to jump in and share, and I’m beyond honored that you’d even take the time to read a bit. I find posting liberating but also scary, it feels a bit risky when the curtain to my heart is pulled back for friends and strangers to see. But – the whole point of our faith journey is to share and encourage, and if the words and photos on this little blog provide ANY encouragement then it’s worth it.
The goal of Lift My Noise is encouragement and gratitude that comes from remembering what Jesus has already done for us.
As for “Lift My Noise” ~ when my daughter was little, she would often belt out her favorite praise song, “I love you Lord.. and I lift my noise…!”
The rest of our family gave up correcting her, but the phrase stuck. It seemed fitting, given the lively atmosphere of our home, coupled with my prayer that any “noise” I lift be for the encouragement of those around me:
“If you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak.” Acts 13:15