251. Deep love of cousins for each other… even when they both want to be the alpha
252. All that my children learn during their time at Papa\’s Mountains

253. Scott Walker\’s life

254. Young Marrieds class at Trinity Chapel

255. Celebrating this dad on Father\’s day

256. And celebrating this one

257. And even across the miles, celebrating this one too
258. These men in my living room

259. Our friend\’s tears in the driveway with my husband

260. Sitting next to Diane while Pres preached

261. Creative play on a hot summer evening

262. Elvia!!!!!!
263. Daddy daughter dances
264. Fighting hard to make it to the championship bracket – and even harder for a victory

265. A grin of relief after a HOT 3.5 hour game to end the season
266. These darling, smiley twins in Montana

267. Camp Calico (and that she\’s getting to go somewhere other than the ballpark)