300. Her smile… her spirit… and getting to have her in our home for a full week
301. Basden getting a part in a church musical – even as a weed dandelion (thank goodness!)
302. Reading Heaven is for Real aloud as a family
303. Not setting my alarm all week (thanks, Mama & Papa!)
304. Santa Fe Children\’s Museum
305. Father/son conversations on Lake Texoma
306. Braids and glitter tattoos
307. Strawberry Shortcake
308. A few (!) quiet moments for a good book
309. Pate in her ruffled swimsuit
310. A phone that won\’t call out or text half the time… reminds me to take a deep breath
311. Driving across west Texas with no AC… windows down, radio blaring so kids could hear movie above the roar
312. Our friend Jeff teaching from the pulpit