389. Dog crates… duh!

Exactly one hour and six minutes after this…

our beloved pups had new homes. Making them more beloved.

 390. Celebrating precious Foster\’s first decade. What zeal he brings to this world.

391. A kind husband. He shows such kindness to me, our children, and others.

392. Hugging tight through tears.

393. An overnight with dear girlfriends, and what that does for my hearts.

394. Quiet and stillness (albeit brief!) of mornings.

395. Being in tune

396. These two who travel the country (not on bikes) to visit children and grandkiddos

Cappy & Daboo in Montana with Chris and Joy Taylor

397. Waking up to a clean home – so worth the end-of-night, 15 minute pick-up


399. Celebrating Morgan\’s first year

400. Essie\’s blueberries

401. Dog crates (that\’s worth two – and more)

402. Feeling famous because I\’m my son\’s (the other one\’s) mother

403. Machinery in our backyard

404. This opening on 377

405. \”Carrot\”

406. The fact that Carrot lives at school

407. Overheard from the back seat… \”Basden, do you love me?\”  \”Essie, I don\’t just love you, I love you forever and ever and ever with my whole heart.\”

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-12
