– That our pastor teaches this – firmly – from the pulpit.

– Taking (making) the time to write. And how it feeds my soul.

– Praying each week alongside school moms.

– The pool house – clean and cozy – such a gift.

– Her new habit. How do kids intuitively know how to do this??

– Cappy teaching Bran how to drive – a standard!

Turned Bran\’s evening at Bourland into an adventure

– Returning home to mischievous pups having unabashedly torn up the backyard turf. Choosing to be thankful in all things.

– This girl and her dogs. 

This makes the turf chewing bearable.

– Finding this paper in Esther\’s backpack.

Upon closer inspection, I asked why she erased half of the \”polite\” box. Her response – because sometimes I burp!\” Well, then.

– Basden\’s doodles. She\’s done this for years since Rebecca taught them at Roomie Camp.

– When Corbin writes encouraging emails to the kids\’ teachers.

– The magic of shrinky dinks

– Es completing her \”no sucking fingers\” chart as per Dr. Kelley\’s orders.

Especially love how she \”signed\” each day\’s progress

– Branson\’s new braces (Round 2). And that we could afford them. Especially with little Essie starting hers this month!

– Dr. Kelley and his amazing staff. That if we\’re going to be in an orthodontic office so often, at least we get to see great people! (Basden and Hud are on a hiatus between rounds one and two…)

– Cotillion (John with his day-of football concussion – grateful he\’s there and walking!)

– First Honor Choir outing

– Corbin taking the girls out – water gardens after dinner

– A baby shower for Basden\’s sweet teacher. And – the gift of little Charlotte Parker born just a few days later perfectly healthy.

– Going through all of the kids\’ school work from last year. All those hard-worked-for grades, assignments completed, etc.  Difficult to just throw in recycle, represents so much learned and so much hard work.

– The lightness that comes with seeing piles (that have been squatting for months and even years) begin to disappear.

– The joys of finding JoJo – even more fun with Ashley

– Finding them laughing together

– Corbin passing his CMPE exam. Smarty pants.

– Saturday mornings. Somehow Mitchell always finds himself surrounded by the girls.

– Mom (and Dad!) taking care of the kids on back-to-back weekends for us. We loved our Colorado Springs / San Diego weekends – what a treat. And hugely grateful for friends who gladly step in to offer rides and fill in the gaps. 

– Breakfast at Clayton\’s Diner on Coronado – and riding bikes around the island. So quaint and patriotic.

– This used to surprise me, especially at vacation locations we may never even venture to again (in San Diego here). But after all these years, I find his \”window shopping\” adorable. A true curiosity for real estate ALL over.

– The true joy this brings him. A hobby straight from Heaven – seriously. This makes him long for quiet moments in the outdoors – what more could I want for a teenage son?!

– Foster and his elk

– A few quiet minutes of solitude in the morning. So refreshing, so necessary.

– Christmas in Cowtown – missing half a school day Friday for our annual date. 

– Young Life dodgeball!

– Bostick boys for dinner – fun for all four of our kiddos

– This group of boys. Four years of great memories with Hud as part the Panthers!

– Mama’s recovery – day 2 out of surgery today, that her vitals are good, her tummy feels better.

– Daboo and Cappy headed to Tulsa – so good – to see soccer games and hug those darling grandsons!

– Looking forward to a FULL weekend FULL of cousins!

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12