– Walking downstairs on a Sunday morning to find her like this

– A cold, rainy April Sunday. As in, rained all day. Everything cancelled except one indoor practice, and the coach was kind enough to taxi Hud back and forth. Other than church in the morning, we didn\’t leave the house. Pajama pants, house shoes and a fire going all afternoon. Bliss. 

– That it takes two of us to get the stretch the kitchen trash bags over the stainless can. I\’m utterly helpless here without the boys or Corbin.

– Why I love taking walks

– The Ace Hardware right by our home. I stop in at least once a week for the post office, house stuff, or even to pick up a gift in their little boutique area ~ I absolutely love having this shop so handy and accessible.

– Just Dance – hilarious watching them

– Essie getting five days in Oklahoma with Daboo and the Tulsa Jameses… think she was excited?!

– Reading to the girls on the porch, still needing blankets and the fire.  Sweet Basden surprising me with salted caramel hot chocolate.

– Getting to share Pigs Might Fly with my girls. Very special to me.

– Slacklining – fun to watch, hard to do!

– Time set aside for writing. What peace and rest it provides.

– Good friends like this

– And this

– Paul and Allison ~ \”foundation\” friends. A pleasant observation – we spent an entire evening with them (in their new home!) and never once saw them on their phones.

Wrestling… at any age, boys will be boys
Bran\’s threats fall short against Paul
Allison was an amazing host, even more so as she\’d been in Vancouver until the day before having us over

– TCU babysitting class – Basden was thrilled to be Red Cross certified

– John and Bran changing out the bar stool ends for me – not a fun or easy job

– Gratification of working hard, combined with the joy of beautifying part of our yard. Laying flagstone by the driveway – all by myself!

Before – sort of. This was actually hours in of trying to break up that ground – FULL of rocks.
Not quite the finished \”after\” – but I\’m encouraged with the progress

– An hour in Backwoods picking out flies

– Sweet Frog ~ what joy

– Remembering Grandma on her April 18 birthday… thirteen years since she fell asleep and woke up in the arms of Jesus. 

– Lent season, and anticipating the celebration of Christ\’s resurrection. Thank you, Jesus.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12