– That we don’t own an xbox.

– Basden\’s sensitivity to Corbin\’s stress / disappointment with work.

– Thicker skin for me.

– SKYLAR!! About to be \”3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Skylar.\”

– A resolve to be united with those who sometimes prove frustrating or difficult.

– Our backyard.

 – Whirlwind week of school activities ~ before school even starts. Thursday night AND Friday morning we were at all three schools. Ready or not, here we come!

– Getting into routine of school schedules. As much as I love summer and lack of routine, we\’re all created for seasons and rhythms.

– Summer ~ the friendships and fun it provides.

– Cute girls and their art projects.

– Sunday afternoon playdates.

– Hud\’s fish from Missouri ~ and that Corbin knows how to cook it (!)

– Funny girl.

– My breakfast team. Corbin got up early and made the pancake batter before going in to work, and I came down to find Basden cooking it up. I\’ve trained them well.

– The view from my kitchen window.

– These two, troopers running errands in the heat of August days.

– Esther and her \”school room.\” She\’s completely taken over the sunroom. Working diligently on organizing her files.

– She found this blank paper in a stack of old school papers and filled it in for this summer. Truth.

She even drew ULL against San Antonio (Hud\’s last game at State), complete with 1st and 3rd base coaches

– Experiments with Kool aid hair-dye.

– Not sure by the clothes exactly what they were playing, but they\’re darling.

– Basden officially in \”Fishxtix.\” Swim party ~ the real, huge pool is across the yard. But I found them in this one.

– Papa taking Hud and Foster (And Uncle Alan) on their \”13th\” fishing trip in Branson, MO.

– Basden\’s favorite pastime.

– Celebrating Avie\’s 8th birthday in Austin with their daddies. Special trip they\’ve been looking forward to all summer.

 Accidentally color-coordinated
BFF heart necklace. Essie gave one to Avie for her b-day, and Avie gave one to Essie for the party gift. Great minds think alike.
Stop in Waco at Baylor -Sic \’Em!
Happy happy 8th to you both!

– Bran\’s Paschal scrimmages ~ finally putting all that practice to use. Big wins, and even though he plays mostly defense, Bran catching a couple of throws for TDs.

That she melts our hearts.

– These playmates ~ so thankful they have each other.

– Some quiet nights last week. No late movies, no tv. Just everyone going to bed with restful hearts.

– C’s work, and how difficult the situation has become. That you continually strengthen him, and encourage him that he is a LIGHT. That you (most of the time) keep me from bitterness.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12