– Basden’s accommodating spirit ~ “Whatever is easiest, Mom,” (what she wants for b-fast) and “not if it’s going to be a burden” (asking me to take her to school early)

– Essie finishing her homework independently

– Finishing up gymnastics for the year ~ Basden learned a ton and competed great!

here we go ~ last meet of the year
cute girls!
floor routine ~ she\’s quite graceful

 – Our Moms in Prayer movie Monday ~ War Room

these women are the best

 – NickMo’s dinner here, amazing to hear his story and vision of heading back to Kauai with Young Life. Especially thankful all four grandparents and all four of our kiddos were here. Love to see Nickmo\’s support and you stirring hearts, Father.

– Yucatan’s catering. Made hosting the dinner so do-able on a May week night (!), and it was really nice to actually offer a dinner and not just dessert

Love this kid

– Daboo taking Essie to the dentist for me, 25 minutes away, to get a cavity filled

– Hud taking pictures for me

– I am Light, in whom there is no darkness at all. 1 Jn 1:5

– Relaxing in the knowledge that the One who controls my life (and my children’s lives) is totally trustworthy.
– Heart friends
 – Connor bringing me an early morning pour over and honey roll – yum!
I will miss this

 – Finding these on my porch from Moms in Prayer group

 – Sweet friends. Time with Mollie before she heads back to the UK

 – An excited Essie trying on her new baton costume ~ lovely!

– With Essie\’s team\’s season over, getting to play as a guest on Coach Baxter\’s team ~ a treat!

 – Straight from soccer to volleyball

– Oh my gosh. One of the absolute highlights of our year with all these awesome guys ~ the jelly belly game. Crying with laughter

Basden, Connor, Chase, Shaun, Colton
Hud joins in

 – That in these days I need your help, Lord. Every minute. I need your energy, your hope, your sustenance

– That when we fall into bed absolutely exhausted, we’ve got a comfy bed to fall into

– Michelle W and Dana P’s encouragement

– Betsy\’s encouragement

– Mother\’s Day. Corbin sent me on a date to Avoca with the boys, then shopping with the girls. He took such great care of me AND our moms

Yummy lunch, three gorgeous flower bouquets
our year with Connor and Chase coming to a close… lots of thoughts on this one

Happy Mother\’s Day to YOU, Mom!
Wilson (and James!) women
Co-Madres. No words to express my gratitude for these two.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12