– Several days with Brogdons here ~ extended our Spring Break half a week!
– Basden’s school choir ~ Superior sweep yesterday. Mrs. Adair is absolutely amazing and a GIFT. Brought all the kids kolaches yesterday morning (has brought them donuts in the past), took loads of students to and from Dunbar throughout the day and evening to compete, makes her class a safe place for the kids
– Hud’s shoulder – separated AC joint – that according to Dr. Conway yesterday, he’s out for remainder of the season. He was hoping to be back practicing & playing Monday, such a disappointment. Thank you Lord that you are WITH him and are growing/ teaching him during this time. PHS baseball coaches. That we can practice gratitude in all things.
– Science fair – one of my absolute least favorite things. But already I\’m thankful for it. Thank you that Essie is working by herself – she was so disappointed not to be included in a group, and I was disappointed for her. But it gave us a chance to snuggle on the porch last night and work on it – that was awesome. She\’s motivated and likes her project, and if I can enjoy science fair then You are truly a God who can do more than we can ask or imagine.
– Bran\’s SCS baseball team – that he\’s enjoying the team and coaches so much, Grant\’s steady cheering; playing TVS the other night and getting to see so many dear friends – these boys are growing up
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Nico pitching to Bran |
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Bran pitching to Brock |
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Extra fun to have the Brogdons at the game |
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Brock, Bran, Miguel |
– Coach Howard taking the time to actually develop these boys are players – skills and mentally – has taken the time and energy to truly train Branson through errors and mental mistakes and I\’m so grateful. Coach Duran, Coach Wimpee, Coach Higgins… Bran couldn\’t ask for a better coaches
– Nikki\’s prophetic text
– “Jason” – our Roomba – vacuums my downstairs almost every morning. I don\’t have to practice being grateful for Jason
– Awful parenting nights. Thankful in all things. That you are a God of second, third, fourth, fifth… a million chances.
– Looking forward to working CCBC Kids Kamp with teens (and Chrissie!) again
– Transparency among our Bible study ~ Lori\’s leadership, Lysa Terkeurt\’s teaching ~ \”Finding I Am\”
– Basden’s easy, easy personality, makes everything so smooth
– Some big decisions we\’re chewing on ~ that we can trust Your wisdom and guidance when the way forward seems murky
– Spring Break ~ we’ve come a LOOONG way from this time last year. I see your fruit in our family, Lord, and while we are always incomplete, thank you for showing up and growing us towards You
– Twins at the park
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These two both bring so much joy! |
– Sweet Essie and how much I love snuggling with her in the mornings
– FRIDAY. We made it through another week ~ and this Fri morn is especially wonderful with the rain. Enjoying a cup of hot coffee and being snuggled under a blanket on the back porch ~ truly a gift
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles… 1 Chronicles 16:11-12