Gameday started with the Varsity players surprising the elementary kids ~ adorable!
team meal
these two
Rebekah and Bran

Part of our Frontier crew ~ love these girls
Seniors and dates
Chloe and Hud

sophomore crew

– Friday nights – lotsa football

– Essie loving volleyball

They\’re a pretty cute (spirited) team to watch

– Boo. Here we go again. Thank you, Lord (practicing gratitude!!!)

– Back on crutches, bless her

Basden was on crutches and in a boot from Jan-June earlier this year… we\’ll see about this time

– A rainy fall Friday morning

– Basden and Bran leaving for school super early – got up well and in good spirits

– FINALLY overlapping with Brighton and Julia in life!

McLean football – go Brighton
some of our favs

– Rainey loaning us her scooter and Iwalk at a moment\’s notice – so kind and so helpful

Thank You, Lord, that this is in our house… (!)

– Hud sleeping all last evening / night – fell asleep by about 7pm – twice last week

– Picking up Hud at Chipotle for PT, Bran making it a point to wave at me through the window – touched my heart

– When desk work is productive – thank you, Lord!!

– a day at home

– A get-well visit to Abbey

– Seeing my sin and my need for You – my sin is bigger than me, but it’s not bigger than You

– That Bran comes in our room every night at least to say goodnight, but often to talk

– Canwick invite

– Hud’s shoulder nerves healing, little by little

– Basden being able to put a tiny pressure on her foot

– My “Holy Spirit” candle, and what it represents – encouraging

– Taking time for a walk

– Bran’s senior speech yesterday and what one teacher\’s response meant to me

– Matt 7 and John 6 – WOW so rich

– Jackson Moffatt – WHOHOO- on the BU basketball team!!! He and Bran will be Bears together, I\’m DYING

– This morn – everyone getting out the door even though we were all pretty exhausted

– Hud and Basden side-by-side at PT

seriously grateful for Ben Hogan PT

– Getting to know Shelbie, Hud\’s PT, who is a YL leader!

– Mom willing to run up to Tulsa at a moment\’s notice – of course she is – and happy to do it

– Julie flying to Houston. Not sure how to contain my sadness, Lord, but I trust you can

– Lord, thank you for your commitment to Your eternal promises. This means so much as we navigate this world – Eternity gives us hope as this world is but a blip 

– Senior pics and HANNAH!

– Time at home to work on pool, yard, kitchen, etc… just a normal morning

– Lingering dinner in Krista\’s home

– Adeline’s single – Moments to Memories, WOWZERS

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12