Goodness, sometimes this gratitude list is a practice, a discipline, more than other weeks. Thankful for  Ann Voskamp for writing a whole book on regularly practicing thanking the Lord. It’s most definitely a healthy response to when I don’t feel real grateful.

When I think back to last Friday, it has been a WEEK

The first five or days, when this winter cold front was a fun adventure… fun with neighbors when we were snowed in
– Basden going on a frigid walk with me – out for almost an hour in below freezing temps, looking ahead at a long holiday weekend (we had no idea how long)
– Valentine party with Krista and just a few couples – much more intimate than what we used to do years ago
Our steam shower

Corbin taking Essie to Dillards clearance shopping yesterday, it is a federal holiday weekend after all (Joy and I were SO thankful she wanted to go with him!)
New Sugarboo wooden birds – love looking at them in our entry

Gifts for girls on Valentines morning, that they were happy to come downstairs and see them

Snow outside!!! LOTS of snow. Walking with Corbin in the park across from our house

Everyone home with the snow – Corbin making us a Valentines brunch

Two full days at home now with just the four of us. Both girls drawing / painting this afternoon
Harry Potter watch-a-thon. Especially meaningful, Dumbledore and Harry at the Mirror of Erised
Power out, but it’s a sunshiny day (Monday). Seven degrees outside with snow on the ground. No power, and our phones don’t work

Three gas fireplaces (!) gas stove for coffee and hot cocoa

Simplicity of life without power and phones 
When it was snowy and pretty:
Once the power went out for several days, pretty turned to frozen and broken
Bran and Jess co-writing / co-singing “Conversations”

Corbin – our resident chef
Corbin, me and Basden giggling all getting in bed together last night, sardined in warmth for the night (Essie at the Cooks)
The weirdness of being so dark and cold in the house once the sun went down
Even with no power restored, the morning sunlight brought so much hope

Remarkable attitudes from Cappy and Daboo going without water and such cold temps. When we didn’t have phone service for a couple of days and I expressed concern, Basden said, “Mom, I’m actually far less worried about Cappy and Daboo living a pioneer life than you and dad.”  
Talking to Bran and Jess, they were trying to watch a movie with limited power and internet access, both sounded great. Had a fun snow day in Waco, both houses still had power. And they both have a lot of students living with them who don’t have power! 

Hud flying back to Alabama from Salt Lake City, they had a fun snowboard trip and evidently drove 130 on the Salt Flats yesterday(!). 
All of our indoor plumbing working just fine
Oh the joy of going OUT to eat!
McCutchens saving the day

Preordered this last fall but just started… always the Lord’s timing. So good and it’s a joy to learn more about one of my heroes.

Happy happy birthday to the one and only amazing Daboo. Love you so much, Mom!

Mama and Papa staying warm in Taos

Dinner at Cooks’ last night with the Beams, makes all the difference to be with good friends, good people in a week like this. Even with Cook’s pipe burst, the guys working on it late last night together, and then the blessing in disguise when plumber found carbon monoxide leak

Encyclopedia Basden… ready with a scientific explanation of why this works
Still no frozen pipes, so grateful. And Jason (appliance repair) available to try and come Monday to fix our fridge

Comical to think that we felt inconvenienced with a broken refrigerator last week. We had no idea what was coming!! And even in the midst of this crazy storm we still didn’t get terribly uncomfortable. On the front end, two weeks without a fridge sounded terrible. Now it’s the least of our concerns. We were ahead of the game with coolers on our back porch even before power went out and Snowmagedden happened. 
Aunt Mary Louise going HOME. She always made me feel loved and like family. 
An unexpected “Spring break” for Baylor students. Socially distancing, of course. 

Thank you, Lord, that you are sovereign, especially for the things I don’t understand:

A family in our school community losing their dad this week.

Poverty and huge lack of resources as people battle limited power and water.

The hurt and rejection our children face, it honestly has to be as hard on the mommas! Truly – rejection is often protection. And in it you provide wisdom and humility, which is the greatest.

And last, between injuries and quarantine and now Snomagedden, why my girls even signed up for soccer this year??!

Some of the things that made me laugh this week – I really do find these life-giving

Lent is here. Let\’s reflect AND look with expectation of beautiful things to come

(thanks Renee Eiband for your lovely fb pic!)

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles…   1 Chronicles 16:11-12